They will receive the vaccine in February


The director of Hariri Hospital, Dr. Firas Abyad, warned about the post-holiday period, in light of the record of a first case of the new strain in Corona in Lebanon. Al-Abyadh noted that “the most regrettable thing about the current increase in the number of Corona patients in our emergency department is the fact that much of it is the result of a deliberate decision by some to prioritize short-term financial benefits. , or temporary entertainment, on public safety requirements. “

“How then can we ask private hospital owners to increase the capacity of their beds and risk financial loss if their fees are not paid on time? Why do they respond to calls of duty and responsibility towards a society? in which many pretend to live recklessly and indifferently? “Abyad asked.

He added: “But it must be remembered that the mistake is not treated with another mistake. Given the expected sharp increase in Corona cases after the celebrations, hospitals must do the right thing. There will be an urgent need to increase the capacity of beds and house intensive care patients for the next two months, “he added. While we wait for the vaccine to arrive. “

Al-Abyadh also announced that “Rafic Hariri University Hospital is about to complete its fifth expansion: 8 additional care beds will bring the total beds to 50. A dialysis unit for corona patients was opened this week. two additional workers to assist current staff, “in the hope that” our workers can Our patients will get through this month safely.

He concluded: “In February, God willing, will bring the long-awaited vaccine. Health workers, elderly patients and chronically ill will have the opportunity to receive the protection they desperately need. Some have warned about the vaccine, how I would have I wish they had warned me of reckless behavior. “
