They stole information about the Corona vaccine in Spain … and the Chinese


A Spanish newspaper reported on Friday that Chinese hackers stole data from Spanish laboratories seeking to develop a “Covid-19” vaccine.

The Spanish newspaper “El País” reported, this Friday, that Chinese pirates have stolen data from Spanish laboratories that seek to develop a vaccine against “Covid-19”, while international laboratories compete to develop a vaccine that stops the virus that has killed more than 940 thousand people and infected more than 30 million. worldwide.

The newspaper quoted Spanish intelligence director Paz Esteban as saying that the hackers launched a “fierce campaign, not only in Spain, against laboratories working to prepare a vaccine,” without further details about the attack that targeted. Spain.

On Thursday, the intelligence chief warned the press about an increase in “quality and quantity” in the information attacks during the period of sanitary isolation, since the infiltrators target “sensitive sectors such as the health and medicine sectors.”

He added that the increase in these attacks in countries seeking to obtain a vaccine prompted them to increase exchanges between their intelligence services.
El País cited sources familiar with the file who stated that most of these cyberattacks originate in China or Russia, and often from government institutions, but also from criminals and academics who then commercialize this valuable data, and these sources claim that the attack on Spain came from China.

AFP did not get an immediate response from the Spanish intelligence service when asked to comment.

In July, a US court in Washington tried two Chinese nationals for stealing vast amounts of data from hundreds of computers around the world, and some of these operations were on behalf of Chinese government agencies.

Recently, this wave of multi-year cyberattacks targeted vulnerabilities in the computers of companies that develop a vaccine against Covid-19, including some companies in Spain, which is one of the countries most affected by the epidemic in Europe.

Source: Sky News
