There is no government today


Until last night, the information indicated that the new government would not be born today. Throughout the day, “Experiencias” reported that the French heard a position from the President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, saying that he was willing to sign the authorship decrees, even if he did not agree with the wording, because he did not want to appear as an obstruction to the French initiative. However, this step seems to be part of an idea promoted by the club of former prime ministers, that “the important thing now is the signing of Aoun in the government formation decrees, and after that, Hezbollah and its allies will discover that they are facing a new reality, although the government does not gain confidence, and that is just that “The government that is formed is the task of doing business. This is a great achievement that will impose its actions on everyone.”

However, the Republican Palace circles informed the auditors that Aoun disagreed with the composition, for an obvious reason, which is that he knows nothing about the composition that President-designate Mustafa Adib will bring him today. He still does not know the number of seats he has, the name of a candidate for minister, or the distribution of portfolios … In addition, what is rumored about the names of the candidates for minister suggests that they are unknown persons, and it is convenient study their CVs. The truth, according to sources, will not be a decree that forms a government today, but will study what the designated president will present first, before making the corresponding decision.
Sources concerned about the negotiations indicated that the French side intervened, advising Adeeb to be patient, and that the latter is likely to change the method of its consultations with the parliamentary blocs, which was evident in his call yesterday with the head of the powerful Lebanese bloc, Gebran Bassil. According to sources, the position of President Nabih Berri yesterday, after the message transmitted by the director general of Public Security, Major General Abbas Ibrahim to Paris last Thursday, and the contacts made by former deputy Walid Jumblatt with the French who communicated with Prime Minister Saad Hariri, Hezbollah and Berri, he touched Paris before the danger of taking a step into the void under the title of “de facto government.” According to the sources, Berri, who issued a statement in which he said: “We have informed the Prime Minister appointed by us and by ours that we do not want to participate on these fundamentals in the government,” expressed a clear position on a Shiite boycott of the government. . “Even if he is more aware of the meaning of a sectarian boycott of a government with all its representatives, participation and granting of confidence, he will not approve a government that defeats.” Although Aoun will be “ashamed” with the French, in light of the assertion by some of those around him that the French initiative is the last chance to save the pact, those close to him claim that the de facto government will not see the light, either by not issuing his authorship decrees or by not giving him confidence because it would be a “contradiction to the letter”, which the President of the Republic had asked to respect for a long time. Sources affirmed that the powerful Lebanese bloc will not give confidence to a government that boycotts it and refuses to grant it the confidence of all members of a sect, for many reasons, noting that a similar government means “isolating a sectarian component. , and it will open the door to internal tensions at all levels “.
Sources noted that Berri reported his position to French President Emmanuel Macron, who called him, noting that his meeting with the head of the Future Movement on Saturday was bad. Hariri acted as one of the government’s chefs and refused to let Berri have any role in appointing any of the ministers, presenting himself as a guarantee to elect ministers who would not provoke both parties. Berri considered this action “extremely dangerous” in the authorship consultations, since it imposes norms that the republic had not previously assumed. The sources pointed out that the former heads of government who refused to participate in the authorship had previously offered three names to the parliamentary and political blocs to choose one of them in the consultations to assign a prime minister, but they refused that day despite the fact that These blocks are the ones that will give confidence to the government.

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