The virus could be a “joke”!


In mid-May, the city of Majdal Anjar in the Central Bekaa was cut off from its surroundings. At that time, there was no other option that could be done, since the town registered dozens of cases of Coronavirus daily, so the Ministry of the Interior and Municipalities decided to put the town in isolation, under the control of the “military”. For two whole weeks, Majdal Anjar lived apart from his environment, but he still managed to survive.

Yesterday, four months after the experiment, the Ministry of Public Health decided to send people a message from Majdal Anjar, the town that defeated the Coronavirus, according to which “Corona is not a joke”, as part of the awareness campaign that It starts from the villages that lived in isolation before escaping. From him, including Majdal Anjar, Hellania and Bsharri.
The first stop yesterday was from Al Majdal, where its people, recovering from the virus, narrated what they lived, not only to “tell”, but to raise awareness. The message they tried to convey is that “Corona is not a joke.” This is what the returning lady said. Her return from the dead is not a passing detail, but rather an indication that the virus “may die if we do not take preventive measures,” she added. Another woman shared her experience with the virus. I spoke of the pain as if it had just happened. She admits: “Corona is something that hurts”, without being able to describe that pain, which was “very great”. A third woman said, “You think the hospital is better than home,” to conclude her speech by saying, “Stay home until you are forced to tame my night in hospitals.”
Many stories told by the recovered. However, it could have been prevented with one obvious measure: prevention. This word means nothing more than adhering to the obvious measures of wearing masks, washing hands, sterilization, and social distancing.
Today, other recuperators narrate their experiences with the virus in the town of Helaniya, which is one of the towns that managed to overcome the virus, and then come the stories of the people recovered in the town of Bcharre, who also lived in isolation.
Three successful experiences show that the tools of confrontation are available to everyone, that they are enough to make the Crown a temporary “joke”. However, until now, these successes do not extend to other places where people still treat the virus in a careless way, despite the large number of infections in them. This was translated yesterday by the figures kept by the Corona accountant, which reached 1,027 injured, bringing the total injured to 18,720. Also, yesterday’s death count was reassuring, with only one death on record.
Given the increase in the percentage of positive exam cases above 8%, the Committee for the Monitoring of Preventive Measures and Procedures for Coronavirus recommended that the date of care education of students in educational institutions be postponed for a period of 14 days , with the exception of official exams in all stages. This comes “in parallel with the work of the competent departments to increase the degree of compliance with preventive measures and measures against the virus and develop a plan to identify localities with a high contagion rate and a rate of positive cases so that actions can be taken necessary in this regard ”.

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