The US elections … a new record in early voting


Opinion polls show Trump has lagged behind former Vice President Biden across the country, but competition is fierce in the states that will decide the outcome of the election, and voters say the Corona virus is their biggest concern.

Biden said at a campaign rally former President Barack Obama attended in Flint, Michigan: "I don’t care how hard Donald Trump tries. Let me repeat, he can do nothing to stop the people of this country from voting in large numbers and restoring this democracy.".

Officials in several states, including Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, say it can take several days to sort all mailed cards, meaning uncertainty for days if the result is attached to those states.

And in a small gathering in Newtown, Pennsylvania, Trump mocked Biden for criticizing the Republican record in fighting the Corona virus, which has claimed more lives in the United States than in any other country in the world.

Trump told attendees, some of whom were not wearing masks: "I saw Joe Biden speak yesterday. All he talks about is Covid Covid. Has nothing else to say except COVID-19".

Said the United States "Just a few weeks away" It is safe to prevent the mass distribution of disease. "COVID-19", Which pushes hospitals to work to their full potential, and kills up to a thousand people in the United States every day, while Trump did not provide details to support his statements about an imminent vaccine.

Biden accused the president of the United States of"Bullying"He criticized his lack of a strategy to control the pandemic"He also attacked their efforts to repeal the Obama Care Act and their disregard for the science of climate change.

Biden presented his economic program "Made in america" In contrast to Trump’s approach "America first"He said he would make the rich pay their fair share and ensure that the profits are more equitably distributed.


The high number of early voting, about 65 percent of all participants in the 2016 elections, reflects the intense interest in the elections hours before the end of the campaign.

Fears of exposure to the coronavirus in crowded polling places on Election Day Tuesday led to an increase in the number of people voting by mail or by themselves at the top polling places.

Republican Trump spent the final days of his election campaign blaming government officials involved in the response to the pandemic and medical workers.

Opinion polls show Trump has lagged behind former Vice President Biden across the country, but competition is fierce in the states that will decide the election outcome, and voters say the Corona virus is their biggest concern.

Biden said at a rally attended by former President Barack Obama in Flint, Michigan: “I don’t care how hard Donald Trump tries. Let me say it again, there is nothing he can do to stop the people of this country from voting in large numbers and recovering. this democracy. “

Officials in several states, including Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, say it can take several days to sort all mailed cards, meaning there is no certainty for days if the result is attached to those states.

And in a small gathering in Newtown, Pennsylvania, Trump mocked Biden for criticizing the Republican record in fighting the Corona virus, which has claimed more lives in the United States than in any other country in the world.

Trump told attendees, some of whom were not wearing masks: “I saw Joe Biden speaking yesterday. All he is talking about is Covid Covid. He has nothing else to say except Covid Covid.”

He said the United States is “just weeks away” from comprehensive distribution of a safe vaccine to prevent the “Covid 19” disease, which pushes hospitals to work at their full potential and kills up to 1,000 people in the United States every day. While Trump did not provide details to support his statements about Imminent Vaccine.

Biden accused the President of the United States of “intimidation” and criticized his lack of a strategy to control the pandemic, as well as his efforts to repeal the Health Act (Obama Care) and his disregard for the science of climate change.

Biden presented his “Made in America” ​​economic program in contrast to Trump’s “America First” approach, saying it would make the rich pay their fair share and ensure that the profits are more equitably distributed.
