The United States Should Expect The Corona Pandemic To Get Worse


The director of the American Institute of Infectious Diseases, Anthony Fauci, warned, saying: “The United States must assume that the Corona pandemic will get worse.”

“I think we have to assume that things will get worse,” Fauchi said during an interview on CNN, noting that “the United States sees 100,000 to 200,000 new infections every day.”

He added that, “once cases of coronavirus infection begin to increase, an increase in hospitalizations and an increase in deaths from this virus will follow.”

He continued: “I hope that we not only reach the level of seeing more than 200,000 cases of this virus constantly, because the number of cases fluctuates,” noting that when “a person is infected with the virus, he is hospitalized and then dies.”

America’s leading infectious disease expert said: “It is highly expected that once this number of coronavirus cases increases, and intermittently every two weeks, there will be an increase in the number of hospitalizations.”

Fauci noted that the high wave of infections “has gotten out of control in many ways,” adding that “due to the high number of cases, it is very difficult to effectively identify, isolate and trace the contact.”

The director of the American Institute of Infectious Diseases said “it is too late to try to control travel,” noting that “many Americans traveled on Christmas, despite warnings from public health officials.”

He called on those who have traveled “not to gather large numbers of people after the trip.”

He expressed concern about the increase in Coronavirus cases, and the expansion and magnitude of this boom, saying: “We are going to impose an increase on this increase, which may get worse in January than December, and I hope it does not happen, but it is definitely possible.” .

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