The United States imposes sanctions on Turkey


On Monday night, the US Treasury imposed sanctions on Turkey’s Defense Industries Administration and its director, Ismail Demir.

The Treasury Department website said Washington had imposed sanctions on three other people linked to Turkey’s Defense Industries Administration.

The US State Department said in a statement: “The United States has imposed sanctions on the Turkish Defense Industries Administration (SSB) in accordance with Article 231 of the Anti-American Adversaries Act (CAATSA) for the purchase of systems Russian Air Defense S-400 “.

The sanctions include a ban on all US export licenses and permits to the Turkish Defense Industries Administration, asset freezes and visa restrictions for Ismael Demir, the department head, and other officials.

The ministry stated that the United States made it clear to Turkey at the highest level and on many occasions that its purchase of Russian “S-400” air defense systems would jeopardize the security of US military personnel and technology and provide large funds. for the Russian defense sector, as well as Russia’s access to the Turkish military and industry. Defending.

“However, Turkey decided to continue with the purchase and testing of the S-400, and abandon the availability of alternative interoperable systems for NATO to meet its defense requirements,” he said, noting that the Turkish decision led to the suspension and removal of Ankara from the global “F-35 Joint” association. Strike Fighter “.

The ministry urged Turkey to resolve the S-400 issue immediately in coordination with the United States, emphasizing that Ankara is an important ally and an important regional security partner for Washington, and that they seek to continue the decades-long history of proactive cooperation. in the defense sector by removing the obstacle to possession of S systems by Turkey. 400 “Russian air defense system as soon as possible.

The move is expected to enrage Ankara and likely damage the Turkish economy, which is already struggling under the coronavirus pandemic.

And last week, Reuters reported on the US plans to impose sanctions against Turkey for its purchase of Russian S-400 air defense systems.

Bloomberg also said that US President Donald Trump signed a sanctions package against Turkey, in the context of the Russian S-400 missile defense system deal that Turkey had bought.

The agency declared that sanctions against Turkey will be imposed under the law “CAATSA” (Fighting the enemies of the United States through sanctions).

It is worth noting that the leaders of the European Union countries decided on December 11 to extend sanctions against Turkey and adopt an additional “blacklist” based on a decision issued on November 11, 2019 on imposing restrictions against Ankara. due to its “illegal” activities in the Mediterranean.
