The UAE repeals a 1972 law on boycotting Israel after the normalization agreement.


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In implementation of the normalization agreement between the two countries, the United Arab Emirates announced on Saturday the cancellation of its 1972 law that calls for a boycott of Israel and prohibits any agreement or cooperation at all levels for individuals and state institutions. Under this cancellation, you will be allowed to enter, exchange, or possess Israeli goods, goods and products of all kinds in the Emirates. The Emiratis will also be able to conclude agreements with the Israelis at all levels. The United Arab Emirates is the first Gulf country and the third Arab country to normalize its relations with Israel after Egypt (1979) and Jordan (1994).

UAE repealed boycott of Israel’s law after the two countries announced standardization Relations between them in mid-August, according to the official Emirates news agency, on Saturday.

The agency announced that the President of the United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, abolished Federal Law No. 15 of 1972 on the boycott of Israel and its sanctions, following the announcement of the peace treaty with Israel.

The decree declared that “Israeli goods, merchandise and products of all kinds may enter, exchange or possess in the country and trade with them.”

The Emirates News Agency indicated that “after the abolition of the boycott of the law of Israel, the persons and companies of the state can enter into agreements with organizations or persons residing in Israel or who belong to it by their nationality or who work for him or for their benefit wherever they are, in terms of business operations, financial or any deal. Another, whatever its nature. “He also considered that this step is aimed at” expanding trade and diplomatic cooperation with Israel. “

The first direct commercial flight between the two countries

Separately, sources in Jerusalem said on Friday that an Israeli-American delegation will head to the United Arab Emirates on Monday on the “first direct commercial flight” between Tel Aviv and Abu Dhabi.

It is noteworthy that the normalization agreement between Abu Dhabi and Tel Aviv, announced by US President Donald Trump on August 13, has received heavy condemnation from The Palestinian side What he considered “a stab in the back.” But it was received unevenly in the Arab capitals.

Following the signing of the agreement, the UAE became the first Gulf country and the third Arab country to normalize its relations with Israel after Egypt (1979) and Jordan (1994).

For its part, Israel agreed to suspend the annexation of new lands in the occupied West Bank under the agreement, but its prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, confirmed that it did not deviate from that in the long term.

France 24 / AFP
