The truth about the new strain of Corona virus … and how it differs from its predecessors


At a time when some countries began the vaccination phase against the emerging coronavirus, the virus surprised the world with a new strain.

Experts believe that the rapid spread of the Covid-19 infection in south-east England is due to a new, more dangerous strain of the emerging corona virus, so what information is available about it so far?

First of all, this is not the first time that the Corona virus, which has changed the state of the world since its emergence in late December in China, has mutated, and it may not be the first time that the genetic material of the virus has changed.

Is it more portable?

But according to statements by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, the new strain, VUI-20 2012/01, may be 70 percent more transmissible.

And as quoted by the British “Sky News” from the medical director in England, Professor Chris Whitty, there are 23 different changes with this new strain.

Whitty added that he alerted the World Health Organization to the presence of the new strain, stating that it will focus on analyzing data related to the spread of the mutation.

Do they cause more deaths?

According to Professor Witty, “There is no current evidence to suggest that the new strain causes a high mortality rate or affects vaccines and treatments, but work is underway to confirm this.”

Does the new strain respond to the vaccine?

The British Genomics Authority says it is difficult to predict whether a particular mutation will respond, when it first appears, to the vaccine, but the fear is that any change will lead to increased reinfection or failure of the vaccine.

Professor Witty says that so far, there is no evidence to suggest that the new strain has affected vaccines and treatments for Covid-19.

The researcher at the University of Bologna, Federico Giorgi, believes that the treatments that are currently being developed, including vaccines, can be effective against all strains of the coronavirus.

What are the different crown strains?

There are at least seven major groups or strains of Covid-19, and the original was discovered in Wuhan, China, last December, and scientists named it the “L” strain, and then mutated to the “S” strain in early 2020. , before it changed to “V” and “GRAMO”.

The two strains “V” and “G” were found in Europe and North America, and from there they mutated into the strains “JR”, “GH” and “GV”, while the strain “L” persisted for a longer period. long in Asia due to the acceleration of many countries. On that continent to close its borders and stop the movement.

Scientists group many of the other less common mutations together as the “or” strain.
