The “Troops” were the first to lose in Jesuit: we won!


Rula Ibrahim wrote in the newspaper Al-Akhbar under the title “The Forces” The first losers in Jesuit: We won! “:” There was no stronger and clearer evidence that the parties lost in the Jesuit University elections the day before yesterday except for statements and congratulations on winning for themselves, although it was clear. The secular club candidates under the name “Talib” and the independent candidates are those who obtained the highest proportion of votes, equal to twice the number of the parties combined. Some may speak of indications of this change, and the withdrawal of these results to the parliamentary elections, to conclude that the political authority will proceed to It is inevitable to postpone this right. This analysis is not based on scientific arguments or an actual census, as university elections are one thing and elections at the level of all sects of the Lebanese people are a completely different matter, as the parties deliberately make faces and evoke everything. their work and experiences, unlike the people gathered today in the university seats, but the seats in Parliament can inevitably separate them, as happened two years ago. All this does not cancel out a fundamental change in the mood of segments of the Lebanese, especially among students or rather Jesuit students, of which a large part of them vote for “forces”, especially in the Faculties of Law and Business Administration. This year, the affair was not repeated with the same previous nerves, so the forces lost their main “strongholds”. Read the full article Press here.
