The Supreme Defense Council decides to extend the general mobilization until the end of March next year (report)


An exceptional meeting of the Supreme Defense Council, during which, perhaps the most prominent, in addition to the extension of the general mobilization, was to address proactive security measures.

Either in terms of talking about information about assassination attempts on some of the characters, or in terms of dealing with the arrest of some terrorist sleeper cells.

The meeting featured the positions of the President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, and the head of the interim government, Hassan Diab, on the general mobilization and monitoring of the delicate situation in the country. This is what the Secretary General of the Supreme Defense Council, Major General Mahmoud Al-Asmar, referred to when reading the decisions of the meeting.

Major General Al-Asmar indicated that the President of the Republic indicated in his speech that ” It is true that the government has resigned and is in the provisional stage, however current circumstances sometimes require a slight expansion in business conduct to meet the country’s needs until the next government is formed. His Excellency pointed out the need to continue paying attention to the state of the roads in light of the torrents that fell last week, noting that the Works Ministry workshops were ready to open roads and remove puddles.

Then the President spoke, highlighting the efforts made by the security services during the closing period. He said: “The implementation of the measures was good. It was clear that the prestige of the State is still present and effective, and that the military and security services can be firm in imposing the application of laws and procedures, and thus the military agencies can impose their prestige”.

Diab highlighted that there are three important indicators that we have managed to achieve: the first is that injuries in the health sector have decreased comfortably, and we have increased the level of availability in relation to the number of beds in intensive care in public and private hospitals, and the third, we’ve broken the injury indicator up.

President Diab emphasized that it is of great importance to intensify security measures during this month and focus on proactive security, adding: “The Israeli enemy is always trying to alter the security situation for our occupation, so I want to emphasize the importance to open our eyes more, as well as coordination and at the highest level among the security forces. “

The Supreme Defense Council decided to extend the general mobilization and the state of emergency until the end of next March, in addition to asking the military and security services to be fully prepared to keep up with the festivities.

The council decided the following:

1- End the extension of the general mobilization period for a period of 3 months from 1/1/2021 to 03/31/2021 and allocate the necessary sums to achieve the vaccines against the Covid 19 virus that were requested by the Ministry of Health.
2- The request to the military and security agencies to be fully prepared to keep up with the year-end vacation period.
3- Request the Minister of Public Works and Transportation to complete the cleaning of sewers and canals on all roads and river beds, and request the Minister of the Interior and Municipalities to instruct the municipalities to carry out the necessary cleaning and maintenance of canals within cities and towns.
4- Assign the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers to issue exceptional approval to extend the army’s mandate in coordination with the Beirut governorate to monitor the implementation of some tasks within the Beirut port area after the Beirut port explosion (an exceptional approval was previously issued on 9/14/2020) for an additional period of 3 months (end March).
5- Assignment of the Minister of Finance to seek to secure LBP 150 billion in credit Distribute restoration aid to those affected by the explosion at the Beirut port.
6- Assign the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation, especially the temporary commission for the management of the Port of Beirut in coordination with the Army Command, to monitor the removal of containers with highly dangerous materials located in the courtyard of the Container terminal at the port of Beirut, based on the contract signed between the company “Combi Left” and the temporary commission for the management of the port. Beirut, as long as the cases against the owners of these materials are completed and followed up.
7- Emphasize the recommendation issued by the Supreme Defense Council on 10/9/2020 regarding the request to the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation to head a committee that includes representatives of the relevant military and security agencies in addition to the Port Administration of Beirut in order to establish general instructions for the works and / or operational services that must be fulfilled. Especially with regard to ways of maintaining public safety.
8- Assign the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers to complete the file for the preparation of a bill for the association of the Port of Beirut, which was presented by the Interim Committee of Administration of the Port of Beirut to be presented to the Council of Ministers in its preparation.
9- Assign the National Commission to implement Lebanon’s international obligations regarding “CBRN” materials and the Lebanese Atomic Energy Commission, and to avoid any potential danger, study how to protect radioactive materials present in temporary storage at the headquarters of the Commission or transfer them to another place that has the specifications, safety and protection standards and present the results of the study to the Council “The supreme defense will take the necessary measure or decision within a period not exceeding one month from its date.”
