The State of the Bekaaeans: Poverty Die!


Weeks ago, violent clashes broke out in one of the Bekaa towns, in which light and medium weapons were used, and led to the incarceration of people for hours in their homes, before a man arrived the following morning the following morning. statement on social networks apologizing for the “inconvenience” caused by the “fight” that occurred between young people from two families!

It is a kind of “fights” that occur daily in the Bekaa according to almost a “scenario”: an individual problem that turns into an armed confrontation that lasts for hours, and parallel contacts that manage to reach a “halt the fire “, before the wishes of the army reach the culmination of the scene … wake up The people, the next day, go to their work and continue with their usual diaries, as if there were no confrontations and no State.
It is fair to say that these kinds of events are almost part of the Lebanese “uniqueness”. Similar problems occur everywhere: in some southern cities, in the north, in the southern suburbs of Beirut, Khaldeh, and finally in Tariq Al Jadidah. In each of these areas, thugs control the lives of people, gangs, bandits, drug trafficking, poverty, misery and the proliferation of weapons. However, the “milestone” in the Bekaa continues to be the complete absence of security services, or even the complicity of some of them.
Poverty, neglect and lack of services, the proliferation of weapons and pay-offs for revenge are not urgent matters in the Bekaa. This is the era of “Greater Lebanon”. However, several factors in recent years have contributed to exacerbating them all and causing security chaos, which is not impossible to control once the decision is made available to the security services. The spread of the Takfiris on the eastern borders, prior to 2017, led to a greater spread of weapons, dusting off family and tribal military formations that were difficult to control after battles to liberate the clans, and left a “surplus of power “which was” aired “between families and clans, and even within the same family and clan. The economic crisis made matters worse in a region where unemployment is weighing on its young people, and the average number of families falling below the poverty line reached 35% before the recent economic crisis.
The mayor of Beqai refers to new “phenomena” that confirm “the close connection between the situation and crimes that we have not witnessed before.” “Historically,” the region is “stigmatized with drug cultivation, car theft or kidnapping for ransom, and all of this continues and increases. However, we hardly hear of killing a person to steal their car, while last week we witnessed two crimes in which a farmer and a shepherd went to steal a crop of onions and some sheep, not to mention a new phenomenon. depicted in nightly raids on displaced Syrian camps in many villages in the vicinity to steal the daily income of these people after their return. From your business.

Many officers and intelligence agents in the Bekaa receive monthly assignments from a major drug dealer

The economic situation is not a justification, but “the poor are soon troublesome.” The poverty here is of a “new kind” that the Bekaites had not previously experienced. It is true that historically they “purify” deprivation, abandonment and the absence of services. However, some aspects of today’s “existential” problem are represented, for example, in the fact that the price of bulgur and milk, the two main components of the job, which is the main food of all neighborhood households, it has quadrupled. With that, measure the prices of the rest of the food, says the mayor sarcastically: “And it will come with you that if a dead person is killed in some sacks of onions, a massacre may occur due to the acid, for example, the price of the kilo from which it arrives. at £ 10,000 … and maybe there will be a civil war with Winter is coming if the speech about lifting fuel and heating oil subsidies is correct, although no one has ever touched an effect of the “subsidized food basket”, nor any movement in favor of consumer protection in an area where food prices in its stores exceed those of the main consumers in Beirut.
The absence of the state is not limited to the ministries of economy and agriculture (and its minister is Baqai, by the way), but also includes its judicial and security apparatus. For example, a town is set on fire with rocket-propelled bullets and grenades in celebration of the release of a murderer in a crime described without any security apparatus arresting any of the shooters, and without understanding how the judiciary released to the “celebrated” in the first place. (And in order not to understand that there is a “political cover” in the matter, it should be noted that the victim belongs to one of the most important parties in the region). Thus, “chaos is basically the responsibility of the state and its entire security apparatus is falling short. Any talk about political coverage is an excuse to justify the laziness of these devices ”, according to Zahle’s deputy, Cesar Maalouf, highlighting that“ I have many problems and they are known by all the agencies. But these are absent or complicit, or they don’t want to work in the first place. The leaders of the security services at Bekaa are responsible. The officers superior to them also have the responsibility ”.
Al-Buqa’i is not forbidden out of intolerance or against him instinctively. The proof? Al-Maalouf responds: “There is no information, investigation and police stations in pieces when they compress a peasant who works to dig a well or a citizen who builds many tiles, and the people commit themselves, and whoever violates them does so under the protection of the darkness for fear of security services. But these same devices, when a problem arises and communication with a police station occurs, the answer comes with the same necessary: ​​We do not have any mechanism in us!
“Usually when there is a confrontation, the army refuses to intervene before the fire stops, and then it cooks with joy. The one who struck struck and the one who escaped fled, ”says the mayor of Al-Beqai, adding that members of the army intelligence“ throughout Bekaa have been domesticated. The vast majority of them are arrested by wanted suspects, who are informed first-hand before any patrol moves. According to a security source, “many officers and members of the intelligence offices in the Bekaa receive monthly allowances from one of the main drug traffickers. More than a year ago, most of the wanted persons had arrived in Syria, before the combat vehicles left Beirut to attack them. This is something that the army leadership knows well, and security sources confirm that it is in the process of carrying out a “shake-up”, within two months, to change most of the heads of Bekaa’s offices, its officers and members. . As for the Information Division, it has become clear that it has decided, “probably for political reasons”, not to work in the region, except in rare cases, noting that the members of the division are “less corrupt” and more capable of moving and perform “precise operations”. ». Therefore, “each drop of blood that falls is responsible for the commander of the army and the leaders of the various security services,” Mufti Sheikh Abbas Zughaib said.
The security source confirms that enforcing security on the Bekaa is not impossible. As “many are enough, and it is possible to start to form a joint operations room with an emergency number and fast-moving patrols, instead of fixed barriers that keep wanted persons and know the ways to get around them, and that do not work except to obstruct the movement of those who go to their villages at the end of the week or return from them. ” Ultimately, what is required is that security in the Bekaa is a priority for the state and the heads of its security apparatus, to pursue wells, construction sites, quarries and crushers (if this is their role in the first place. place), and to “close factories under the pretext of polluting the Litani River while the sewers of the Republican Palace, Najma Square and government water pour into the sea.” As is known. Until then, the state remains as one who says to the Bekaa: Die with your poverty.

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