The start of the US-Qatar strategic dialogue in Washington


The world – Qatar

Opening the strategic dialogue sessions between the United States and Qatar, Pompeo said: It is time to find a solution to the Gulf dispute, referring to Qatar’s role in helping Afghans achieve peace and its role in reducing of the tension in Syria and Lebanon.

In turn, Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman Al Thani said: We hope to expand our strategic and investment relationship with Washington in 2021, considering that the strategic dialogue between the two countries confirms aspects of cooperation and friendship. among them.

Regarding the Afghan negotiations that began on Saturday in the Qatari capital, bin Abdul Rahman said that the launch of this dialogue is a “historic achievement”, noting that the United States is a key partner in this achievement.

The strategic dialogue was launched between the two countries in 2018, with the aim of strengthening relations and developing joint cooperation between the two countries, and the third session takes place at a time when the region is experiencing the impact of important changes in politics.

The third strategic dialogue will see the announcement of a series of cultural, economic and educational alliances, as well as the signing of a series of memorandums of understanding and letters of intent related to culture, development and the economy.

US Under Secretary of State for Near East Affairs David Schenker said: “We have high expectations that the dialogue will be fruitful and cover a wide range of topics, including our excellent advanced cooperation in the fight against terrorism.”

The first edition of the Strategic Dialogue was held in Washington in 2018, when the two parties signed association agreements in the areas of defense, counterterrorism, counter-extremism, trade and investment, several memoranda of understanding and letters of intent in the areas of trade. bilateral, investment and technology.

The two sides signed three memorandums of understanding and a declaration of intent, in the second edition of the strategic dialogue held in Doha in 2019, and affirmed “the commitment to promote trade and investment, and the strength of the growing bilateral trade relations” as Qatar claimed that the United States is its largest partner in the area of ​​imports. 18% of all Qatari imports came from the United States in 2018.
