The socialist responded to an attempt to quote Kamal Jumblatt’s words on federalism


The Media Commission of the Progressive Socialist Party responded to an attempt to intercept the words of the martyr teacher Kamal Jumblatt on federalism, considering that “the martyrdom of one of the television channels of his words at this time, although his objective is not innocent , rather it is trying to portray a completely wrong image of which Federalism in its divisive sense was in favor in Lebanon, but that gives us more insistence on the correctness of the approach and thinking of this great man, than even the media of Opposing communication is forced to use to prove a point of view.

He noted that “the station was based on the previous conception and design of a paragraph of words that Kamal Jumblatt said in 1956 in a conference entitled” Lebanon in its reality and its direction “from a series of conferences given by the great thinker at the Lebanese seminar organized by the late journalist Michel Asmar. We invite everyone to this conference. Without exception to read it in its entirety and explore its depths, Kamal Jumblatt describes literary beauty, political rhetoric, broad science, extensibility historical, philosophical, spiritual and social analysis, geographical refutation and comprehensive economic classification, the reality of Lebanon with its meeting of cultural, religious, social and economic antecedents and families, and what it is It has built the idea of ​​a political system from the beginning of Lebanon, and paints with infinite precision what it expects of the Lebanese up to our present history.

He explained that “Kamal Jumblatt, in exposing this integrated explanation, spoke about the Lebanese reality as it is, saying that” Lebanon, as it blends to some extent between the Western Christian heritage and the Arab and Islamic heritage, may be the best instrument to measure the reality of civilization and the crises of progress and civilization in the Arab East “., Affirming that” Lebanon is a true natural geographical entity “, placing the” administrative division “as one of the” reasons for stability and administrative and political discipline “, without ever speaking of any other type of geographical, sectarian or financial division, which when others proposed it, Kamal Jumblatt did not oppose. Not only, but he fought against it.”

And he considered that “it is true that Kamal Jumblatt, also describing reality, said that Lebanon” forms a de facto federation of peoples, regions and natural geographical divisions “, and between Mount Lebanon and the coastal cities, between residents and expatriates , and between spiritual families. He went on to say in the same text that “Lebanon really existed to be a country of decentralization.” And although he uses the description used by some (the country of “cantons”), he places the word in double quotes to indicate his quote and add to confirm that “no rule in Lebanon has succeeded except the rule of decentralization.” He then explains his intention to decentralize by saying: “In the end, successful political democracy is only based on a solid foundation and developed of local municipal democracy ”, which means that it was decisive when referring to municipal administrative and local decentralization. This is due to its more precise description elsewhere. ar. From the conference when he says that Lebanon “despite the contradictions, negotiations, contradictions and diversities that it contains and embraces, was and continues to be a unity of living, a unity of a common life … and that may be the secret and the reason that makes the contradictions, paradoxes, diversities, differences and crises.) In the end, all find for themselves a realistic, harmonious and reasonable arrangement, and a synthesis in which the two sides of the opposite pole and the opposite pole are preserved in the process of development of real life that always combines contradictions and then destroys them to adopt another more harmonious contradiction, and never goes the other way, as those ignorant of the canons imagine The course of history and the flow of life “, and emphasizes “the unity of subsistence, the unity of the economy, the unity of life, the unity of miscegenation and participation is always dominant, victorious.”

In exposing what he seeks from the Lebanese, Kamal Jumblatt says in 1956 that “they may realize one more day than they realize now, that they are the first children of this unity of life, the unity of the economy and the society and the intertwining of the environment, before they were Christian, Sunni, Druze, Shiite and other sects. Later, according to this sharing and this entanglement in the unity of life … If people sometimes do not agree with the goals of the hereafter, they can only agree in the end, because the unity of life that unites, which does not distinguish between a Christian merchant and a Muslim consumer, is much stronger than you accept. With this distinction, as when Kamal Jumblatt spoke of the “spirit of federalism”, he said “it ensures internal stability and satisfies sectarian and ethnic minorities, and composes and connects the diversity of sectors of the nation – these sectarian and ethnic minorities. that they must obtain the first primitive existential and survival guarantees, otherwise the state will face innumerable problems and crises, among which the weakness of the nation’s existence and permanent instability stand out. He was referring to some Arab countries to which he He himself refused to enter his great prison, and what he described as a “slave society” and advised them to follow the example of Lebanese diversity, Sae, and stop the policy of beheading.
Kamal Jumblatt concluded by stating that “Lebanon was created to be the country of reason”, and that “the obstacle and inhibitor is a deficiency or lack of political maturity, a lack or lack of civilizing maturity, and also a lack or absence of the correct democratic spirit. Isolism in thought, isolationism in economics, isolationism in humanistic and narrow Arab nationalism, “noting that Lebanon” needs extensive organization and decentralization in public administration and intense monitoring and inspection at the same time, “and that “this spirit of participation … must be strengthened. In Lebanon, perhaps the way to eliminate sectarian fanaticism and the spirit of separation. This spirit is, in fact, the best in Lebanon. “

The commission clarified in a statement that “it would be desirable for the theorists of today and the illusions of yesterday and tomorrow to follow Kamal Jumblatt in his entirety, and have a sophisticated and rational discussion in which we delve into the mind of the martyr, whom Today Lebanon urgently needs to get out of the swamps of exclusivity and pride, and over the crisis of the spirit that with it appears a new spirit “. Suicidal isolationism comes in different forms, but it is from ancient and outdated times, and Kamal Jumblatt described it as an “ignorant obsession.”
