The situation is “accepted with caution” … The Corona counter “goes back” to the thousand: the mined number?


Rajana Hammeh wrote in “Al-Akhbar”: For the first time in many weeks, the Corona meter registered a number of wounded close to a thousand, since yesterday it registered 1,039 wounded, and the day before yesterday 984 wounded. In practice, these figures do not mean that the general situation is good, but it is “accepted with caution,” according to the Ministry of Public Health. This precaution is due to two basic reasons: the first is that it is not possible to generalize by looking at three or four numbers registered by the meter, downward, in the last days, and the second, and most importantly, by reading the numbers of the next four days; According to him, either the situation is really acceptable or the number ball will return to its previous roll, that is, the number of wounded will rise again.

Today nothing indicates that the situation is good, since the death count continues to rise, since yesterday there were 21 victims, which brought the total number of victims to 1136. Added to this is the increase in hospitalizations, which is close to the thousand cases (942), Of these, 385 were in intensive care and 140 were connected to ventilators. This can be followed by observers, with the percentage of positive exams stabilizing at 14.7%, which is still a very high rate. All these are indications that do not allow more optimism.

However, it is possible to understand what the sources of the Ministry of Health say about the figures registered yesterday and before that are a “natural” result of the recent general shutdown. If they show some optimism based on these figures, on the other hand, there is an underlying fear that the injury meter will regain its momentum in the next few days, as the result of a return to normal life is supposed to appear after approximately one week of complete isolation. The main fear of these people is that the return occurred all at once, and was not gradual, as stipulated in the action plan prepared by the Coronavirus Ministerial Committee, in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health. On the one hand, the population did not adhere to the gradual return procedures, and not even those interested in the plan committed themselves to monitoring the scope of the plan’s implementation, so the construction was theoretical.

Thus, “A Shofa”, it is possible to estimate what can be accessed, and the general panorama of the country suggests that, with a weak commitment to preventive measures, it is easy to limit the use of masks, personal hygiene and distancing Social. These procedures are rare today. On this basis, the head of the Parliamentary Health Commission estimates that “what we are waiting for in the coming days is a return to the record of infections higher than what is recorded today, especially with the return of normal contact between people.” Araji goes further in his estimates, saying that it is possible that “we will witness higher figures than before the closing, with the entry into a month that is considered peak, with the outbreak of the Corona virus and influenza”, highlighting that “what We see today in figures is the positive impact left by the closing. And that touched seventy percent in some areas.

Source: News
