The second Arab country to reveal an infection with the new Corona strain … Here are the details


Today Sunday, the Jordanian Minister of Health, Dr. Nazir Obeidat, announced the discovery of two cases of the new mutated strain of Corona virus for Jordanians from Great Britain.

The Health Minister – to the Jordan News Agency (Petra) – said that the two cases that were discovered were after counting those that came from the United Kingdom, tracking them and carrying out tests.

Dr. Obaidat indicated that the two cases are from a married couple who joined on Saturday, December 19, and their health is excellent.

According to the Health Minister, sanitary isolation procedures apply to both cases and are tracked by investigation teams in accordance with protocols, and they are not allowed to mix with others until the period of home isolation is over.

On Friday, Lebanon announced the country’s first infection with the new strain of the Corona virus, which is spreading rapidly in parts of Britain.

The Lebanese Minister of Health of the interim government, Hamad Hassan, said that the discovered case came from London via flight.

Hassan tweeted, saying: “A case of the new wave of Covid-19 was recorded on flight ME 202 from London on December 21.”
