The Russian army creates a drone that intercepts its hostile counterparts


The Russian army creates a drone that intercepts its hostile counterparts

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The National Interest described the technology for intercepting small drones using special networks as unprecedented.

And what is meant by the order is that a small “Carnivora” drone weighing 40 kilograms launches a special net placed at the rear. And the drone can adjust the tension of the cable net and its length according to the length and diameter of the drone to catch.

“Carnivora” flies at a speed of 150 kilometers per hour and can stay in the air for up to 15 hours. The drone hunter does not depend on satellite navigation devices. Thus, you can avoid hostile electronic warfare stations.

The author of the article published by the American newspaper, Chris Oborne, said that the promising technology invented by Russian engineers allows the captured enemy drone to be undamaged and transported safely over the front line to the sites of friendly forces.

He added that interception drones can be useful in the event that friendly electronic warfare stations are difficult to block from hostile drones that fly using autonomous programs and do not rely on satellite navigation and communications with remote command centers.

It should be noted that the “Carnivora” drone can also be used as a hit drone and be armed with high-explosive shells and light-caliber aerial bombs.

Source: Rossiyskaya Gazeta
