The revolution in the times of hell … have you given up? Phalanges


Regarding the revolution in the time of Hell, retired Brigadier General George Nader admitted the shortcomings of the revolutionary groups in terms of circulation in the street, considering that the high rate of corona injuries leads to the reluctance to accumulate, in addition to that the delay in creating a coordinating body between the components of the revolution makes movements difficult.

A crippling economic situation, an explosion of the largest in the world, the resignation of the government, the appointment of a president under external pressure to form another, the delay in training amid adherence to the old sectarian quota system, interference foreign, the fate of the training is unknown and with it the fate of a country whose president claims to go to “hell” in the event that an agreement is not reached. The government … all are reasons that push any people in the world for whom living in hell is easier than living in their country to reject reality and rise up against it, but in Lebanon, where the squares witnessed the revolution of October 17, an almost total absence of revolutionary groups is observed in the streets. On the eve of the formation of the government, with an approach that contradicts the demands it poses.

The circles of the movement attributed this to two things: the first is that the components of the revolution are working to organize their ranks and create groups that include various revolutionaries, with the aim of establishing the Supreme Council for the Revolution and drawing a sheet of route, so that the descent to the street is thoughtful, organized and in accordance with a clear vision that everyone adheres and contributes to controlling any situation. Take measures to prevent vandals and infiltrators from violating your ranks and distorting your movements, as happened recently.

As for the second, it is related to waiting for the formation of the government to target the officials, since the government has resigned and the new government has not yet been formed, according to the circles, which affirm, on the other hand, the demand some of holding sit-ins to pressure the formation of an independent and apolitical government.

Nader: Retired Brigadier General George Nader recognized through “centralism” the deficiencies of the revolutionary groups regarding the movement in the street, considering that “the high rate of injuries by” Coronavirus “leads to the reluctance to gather, in addition , the delay in creating a coordinating body between the components of the revolution hinders Movements and the achievement of this goal helps to coordinate activities and field operations, and the daily effort between the components of the revolution to achieve this goal and all share the same desire, but we have not yet been able to unite despite agreeing on all the principles. And in the case of establishing a leadership council, even if not all agree with it, We have taken an important step in the direction to unify most of the components of the revolution, so establishing a roadmap based on it is the minimum required. Without forgetting the organs of power and their parties that and they try to enter or adopt the revolutionary groups, but we reject it, considering that “there is no objection to the movement within. This period is to pressure the government that resigned, since it is doing business, in addition to forming a pressure force on the president appointed to do not clone Hassan Diab’s government.

Nader noted that “the training processes were made clear and there was no credibility during them. We expected the president-designate to apologize or provide the training he wanted,” adding: “Even if France’s intentions were sincere, you would not be the one ordering and dictate how the government is formed. It is good that French President Emmanuel Macron reprimanded the officials and demonstrated their corruption, but we, in return, do not want the decision to be external, especially because the revolutionaries rose up against dependence is Likewise, the monopoly of a sectarian ministry goes back to before October 17, and in demanding a civil status there is not even a monopoly. For a sect, and this we gradually achieve by eliminating sectarian thinking and abolishing political sectarianism, as stipulated in the constitution.

He noted that “there are always circumstantial movements related to certain events, but so far the great move that aimed to bring down the system has not been agreed. It is possible that the apology of the president-designate or the formation of the government of Hassan Diab 2 is the spark, and you have to wait “.

Informed circles revealed to Al-Markaziyah that officials and politicians contacted the leaders of the revolution to suggest their participation, as some officials prefer to use movement cards rather than importing them from abroad, especially since they are well aware of internal problems and suitable solutions.

Source: Central News Agency
