The Return of Saad Hariri: Are There External “Pressures” Behind Hariri’s Assignment to Form a New Government in Lebanon?


  • Media monitoring section
  • BBC

Arab newspapers reported the decision to appoint the head of the Future Movement, Saad Hariri, to form a new Lebanese government.

Al-Hariri was appointed after obtaining a majority of the votes of the parliament in his parliamentary consultations. This comes a year after he resigned after the outbreak of popular protests.

“The challenge is training”

The Rai Al-Youm newspaper says in its editorial that Hariri’s assignment “sets a unique precedent not in Lebanon, but in the entire Arab region. This is the first time in the history of Arab revolutions, one of which he overthrew to a prime minister on charges of financial, economic and political corruption, to return to office a year later. ” Totally and completely. “

The newspaper adds: “But this time on the basis of a French initiative and American pressure, and imposed negotiations with the Israeli occupation state to demarcate the Lebanese maritime borders with occupied Palestine under the supervision of the United Nations, which led at the beginning of oil and gas exploration. “
