The Republic: vaccines do not meet the requirements …


An official body received a report indicating that the task of a prominent political movement will be difficult in any by-election.

The circles of a senior official are convinced that a vital file will not be completed until after a regional intervention that prompts another official to complete it.

Some private companies have started to buy vaccines abroad, despite declarations by the Ministry of Health that they do not meet the requirements.


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The relationship between the head of a loyalist current and various CEOs of supervisory bodies and others is experiencing remarkable tension.

The active forces of the movement await the outcome of tomorrow’s union elections, which will build on what follows, on the future of alliances and even parliamentary elections.

An interim government minister was embarrassed by what he could do after his application was reported regarding a power dispute between an elected head of authority and a first-class employee!


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Health Minister Hamad Hassan began working with sectarian and sectarian councils to prepare lists of names of clergy who want to receive the vaccine, after he promised to assign special measures and facilities for vaccination to religious authorities.

A low-profile meeting was held between ministries related to subsidized commodities and union leaders, to consult on how to “get out of” the decisions to eliminate subsidies.

The embassy of a major country is following the line of smuggling cattle from Syria, which are exported via Lebanese traders to Qatar and Iraq, as a violation of the “Caesar Law”.



Unannounced meetings held by the ambassador of a country with moral symbolism to convey a faithful image to its officials.

An apolitical reference is cited as confirming that he spoke harsh and direct words to a party that is primarily responsible for delaying an impending maturity.



A diplomatic source said that the Emiratis’ efforts with Saudi Arabia regarding the Lebanese government based on the wishes of President Emmanuel Macron and President Saad Hariri ceased with a Saudi response requesting that Hezbollah intervene with Ansar Allah to stop the attack in Marib and stop bombing the Saudi sites. And that no one dared to approach Hezbollah for fear that the matter would emerge as a political scandal, all accusations against Hezbollah of linking the government to regional issues are dropped, while the opposite occurs.

A financial source from the European Union said that Iranian deposits of approximately $ 20 billion from non-European banks would have been released ahead of the invitation to an informal meeting that includes Tehran and Washington within the 5 + 1 platform by European invitation and that The European mechanism will begin to function after the meeting until the full restoration of the agreement and the lifting of sanctions within a period of three months.
