The representative blocks have reservations about the current proposal to modify the | Phalanges


The parliamentary blocs have reservations about the proposal of the Free Patriotic Movement to reform the constitution in a way that obliges the President of the Republic to convene binding parliamentary consultations within a maximum period of one month from the date of the resignation of the government.

Parliamentary blocks in the Lebanese Parliament have expressed their rejection of the proposed law proposed by the powerful Lebanese bloc, according to the daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, which aims to amend the constitution in a way that forces the President of the Republic to convene parliamentary consultations binding to form a government within a maximum period of one month from the date of resignation of the government or consider it resigned, as required by the designated president. Form a government by forming the government within a period of no more than one month from the date of their nomination to perform this task.
Lebanese law does not impose a specific time limit on the president of the republic to convene binding parliamentary consultations, nor does it impose a time limit on the prime minister to form a government. Governments have been formed in the last 15 years in a period of between one and 11 months.
Many believe that the amendment of the term for the designated president harms the authority of the prime minister or the Sunni community, as a constitutional source makes clear to the Middle East that Sunni Muslims in Lebanon can see in setting a deadline for the designated prime minister. form a government as a possibility of blackmailing and handcuffing you, as this issue had previously been discussed in the Taif Agreement. But he was not satisfied with it because the Sunni forces categorically rejected this issue.
The law presented by the Free Patriotic Movement, according to the newspaper, proposes to reform paragraph 3 of article 53 of the Constitution, which seeks that the President of the Republic appoint the Head of Government in charge of consulting with the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies based on binding parliamentary consultations that officially informs you of the results of the same, whenever these consultations are carried out. Mandatory, within a maximum period of thirty days, counted from the date of resignation of the government or considering it renounced in the cases provided for in article 68 of the Constitution.
As for the second reform, it is subsection (2) of article 64 of the Constitution, which refers to the fact that the head of government in charge conducts parliamentary consultations to form a government and signs with the President of the Republic the decree of its formation, To add to it, the formation decree is issued within a maximum period of thirty days from the date of appointment, otherwise the designated government president is considered apologizing for the training.
Congressman Mario Aoun believes that the purpose of this law is to fill a gap in the current constitution related to the absence of a deadline that controls the pace of government formation in a way that prevents many issues that harm government practice.
In an interview with the Middle East, Aoun said that this proposal is important and, if approved, avoids the repetition of some of the problems that occurred with the formation of previous governments, such as extending the period of government formation and thus prolonging the period. of government business conduct.
The deputy of the Development and Liberation Bloc, Ali Khurais, recalls that the issue of determining the period of formation of the government was proposed in the Taif Agreement, but President Saeb Salam rejected it at the time.
According to Al-Sharq al-Awsat, Khreis believed that he personally supported limiting the composition period to not be open, but the position on the proposed law put forward by the Free Patriotic Movement is taken at the bloc meeting, adding that Any constitutional amendment in Lebanon can only be carried out by consensus and general consensus among the parliamentary blocs and sects. This is because the Lebanese system is a sectarian system, and any amendment can constitute sensitivity to a group. Therefore, the amendment must be unanimous and within a basket of amendments if necessary.
In this context, a member of the Democratic Rally Block, MP Bilal Abdullah, said that there is no problem with the content of the amendment proposed by the Free Patriotic Movement, but any constitutional amendment in Lebanon requires that the Senate have been established, adding in an interview with the Middle East that the Socialist Party is clear It aspires to a secular state, but in light of the current ailing sectarian system, any constitutional amendment must come within an integrated amendment workshop for various issues in the constitution and with the consensus of political parties so that no party feels the goal of this amendment.
As for the member of the Block of the Future, Rola Al-Tabash, said that regardless of the content of the proposed law, it is not desirable to make any amendment to the constitution in part, that is, in part, because the constitutional amendment it must come in an integrated basket that includes many things that the different political forces see that they need. amendment.

Source: Middle East
