The recommendations we make are a very severe stress because the epidemiological situation is extremely dangerous


The Secretary General of the Supreme Defense Council for Defense and head of the Ministerial Committee to Combat Coronavirus, Major General Mahmoud Al-Asmar, indicated that “the health situation in Lebanon is extremely dangerous and the hospitals are crowded with patients and people infected with the coronavirus. “

And he considered in a television statement: “We, as the Crown Committee, made recommendations to the acting Prime Minister Hassan Diab, and the decision is not made by the committee, and today we met for more than 5 hours and discussed all issues, problems and risks , and we made recommendations based on international standards, and at each closing and reopening. ” We are carrying out very thoughtful plans, and the latest plan, according to the University of Oxford, will reach 90% success if it is committed, to remedy the crisis, and we seek that our new recommendations are higher than that percentage ”.

Al-Asmar emphasized that “all the people on the committee are volunteers without any compensation, and their decisions are very well thought out. It meets more than once a week and most sectors of the country participate in it.”

He noted that “the recommendations have been delivered to the Presidency of the Government, and tomorrow morning the Ministerial Commission will meet and present them to the Supreme Defense Council, and we confirm that the recommendations that we have made are very harsh and of severe stress. , and the lesson is to implement those decisions. “
