The Ramallah-Beirut reconciliation: in the contradictions of the Palestinian scene


With each round of “factional reconciliation” between the “Fatah” and “Hamas” movements, under the auspices of the Arab intelligence services and under the mantle of the reactionary Arab regime, from the honorable Mecca or Doha and Cairo, the official Traditional Palestinian who seeks a role and a market for his rotten goods in the Al Arabiya political auction, and continues on television, jumps between the channels of the hubs of the region, and finds the opportunity to take some photos, make pop and repeat statements , and buy and sell more illusion and absurdity. Today, as yesterday, there has been much talk about “unity and reconciliation”, “the new stage” and “sincere intentions”, and with him, a paid intellectual, whose job is to spread illusions, elevates “the status of Mr. President”, the godfather of the treacherous Oslo accord, to the ranks of the righteous saints and prophets!

Some of the masses of our people believe, as always, the “Palestinian reconciliation” lie because they want it to be true. However, we must always differentiate between the deceptive and the misguided. Between someone who consumes an illusion and someone who creates it intentionally, do not blame the one who wants salvation from drowning even if he clings to a miserable straw. The root of the biggest problem lies with the deceivers and illusionists of the business and economic peace community with the enemy and people like Abu al-Bamboo.
If we go back, dear reader, to the many Palestinian reconciliation tours and festivals that the Oslo team and the Palestinian factions have held over the past twenty years, we find that what happened in Ramallah and Beirut a few days ago did not it’s more than a party and a true copy of what preceded them from trash festivals and dormant false speeches, which don’t please a friend or exasperate an enemy, and this is a miserable Palestinian scene that reveals more than it hides . Nothing has changed in the picture except for further exposure and exposing a shattered reality ravaged by the mites of corruption and the creepers of defeat.

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However, the situation of the revolutionaries, prisoners, prisoners and resistance cadres, and before them the Palestinian popular struggle, is not the same as the situation of those that Mahmoud Abbas gathered in Beirut and occupied Ramallah. The tormented masses inside and outside the homeland are apprehensive and look at the Palestinian scene and know its contradictions, they do not believe or celebrate as Abu Mazen and “great leaders” like him do. The reason for this is simple: because the Palestinian popular classes realize in their depths, and through their long and bitter experience, that this is just a repetitive and very cheap work. These masses, in their state of affairs, say: neither Mecca (the occupied one) nor the Prophet’s tomb will intercede for them, and Beirut, exhausted, will not intercede for them while cleaning the dust from their clothes.
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Ahmed Al-Majdalani, a member of the Executive Committee of the “Palestine Liberation Organization”, one of the “general secretaries” and leader of a gelatinous and imaginary faction, has no role in resisting the occupation. He also delivers a speech on “unity and the confrontation with normalization.” Al-Majdalani is the same person who is a permanent guest at the Herzliya Zionist Conference and one of the instigators of the resistance and the imposition of sanctions on our people in the Gaza Strip. Did you also become one of the “historic moment creators” at the busy Ramallah Festival?

what a pity!
Also present is the so-called Muhammad Madani. This “brother” is a member of the Fatah Central Committee and the official in charge of the normalization committee with Israeli society in the “Palestine Liberation Organization.” He has no more work than to invite the leaders of the Zionist parties and hold banquets for them at the district headquarters in Ramallah and communicate with the enemy apparatus, institutions and parties.
It is natural, then, that young men and women do not attend Palestine, and those who daily confront the occupation and the colonialists and resist the normalization projects, because the law itself is clear and unequivocal: when the people are absent , authority will come, and vice versa. How can those who submit their monthly reports to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), such as Majid Faraj and Hussein al-Sheikh, be the creators of national unity?
The great Palestinian popular bloc in the homeland and the diaspora is united, and it cannot be divided in the first place, and it knows what it wants. As for the powers of authority and organization, they are divided among themselves. And if you go now to one of our camps and villages and ask people about the path of liberation, they will tell you, in less than an hour, what is the necessary strategy to liberate Palestine in simple language that will not lack depth or depth. of clarity.
The people who are overwhelmed round the clock by the fires of Zionist colonialism, exiles, sieges, detentions and jails are the ones who know. It is not important or mandatory. None of the Palestinian tribes want to hear the voice of the refugees (this is a mutual sentiment anyway). The important thing is that the audience listens on television to this “fighter”, a member of the parliament of the Zionist enemy, Muhammad Barakeh, who has just arrived from the headquarters of the “Knesset” to the Palestinian Authority conference. And the factions that also preach to us about unity and resistance to liquidation and normalization projects!

The Zionist enemy does not fear a false Palestinian reconciliation, and the United States does not care about the “central” and “national” councils forged.

The contradictions of the Palestinian scene do not end. The gap is widening, as is the gap between the “national action factions” and the people, a huge gap that has become difficult to bridge. In their speeches, officials from the Palestinian factions speak of dialogue, democracy and comprehensive review, while we do not see dialogue or democracy and semi-comprehensive review within their parties. Some of them have been sitting since the founding of their party and have been sitting there for more than 50 years. The martyr Ghassan Kanafani used to say that one of the reasons for the 1967 defeat was the presence of Arab officials and leaders in the parties for long periods, without any renewal or replacement of leadership. “Some of them are older than your office files”! (See Kanafani Symposium, Reflections on Change and Blind Language – Dar Al-Nadwa, Beirut, March 1968).
If Kanafani returns today, and looks out onto the sad Palestinian scene, he will inevitably realize that the factions that once thought themselves revolutionary do not resemble the Arab parties of 1968, and today they have reached a final defeat and a wall.
What kind of national unity can be achieved in meetings that are not attended and decided by female activists and militants, and in which the younger generations and the vanguards of the student movement do not participate, meetings that resemble the guest houses of Palestinian peoples before the Nakba! What lie about the “rights of the people” Mahmoud Abbas wants us to believe, as his security services arrest every day those who resist the occupation and face corruption?
And when national unity is truly achieved and becomes a reality, you will not need evidence or opinions and jurisprudence on the matter, because all the people will go out and celebrate in their own way, and it has not happened that the Palestinian field unit has materialized a time in our history except for the will and decision of the first and tenth Palestinian masses. She alone creates popular unity and imposes it on everyone. This is the cold reality that the Palestinian resistance forces must understand, because the voice and capacity of 13 million people are still more important and stronger than the capacity of 13 factions, most of which have become empty offices. .

A second fact that the resistance forces must realize
The large number of weapons does not scare the Zionist enemy, nor does the large number of words and the policy of harassment scare the United States. Missiles do not free people or minds, and weapons, regardless of their magnitude and accumulation, do not free occupied land without a political and intellectual vision to guide it to the right goal, and without a unified national front that sees all people. and all rights. We ask: Is there a Palestinian national vision that brings together the Palestinian resistance forces in a front whose goal is liberation and return? Or is what is happening a previously unsuccessful attempt to combine two opposites, between power and resistance, between illusion and reality, between liberation and state, in an impossible process similar to combining water and fire? This is a recipe for absurdity, ruin and concessions (in favor of the occupation and the Oslo team) and a repeat of failed experiences.
The force of the Palestinian home front is more important and more powerful than all the rockets. Long-lived Pakistan possesses nuclear bombs, but what is the value of all this weapon in terms of real power and the significance of independent decision-making, cultural and scientific progress, the health and education system in the state? Pakistan nuclear? Big zero. The same applies to its adversary and its neighbor India, where 700 million poor and poor live below the hunger line in the biggest lie called “the largest democracies in the world” ruled by a small band of right-wing fascists. in New Delhi.
People do not fight for an authority or for a State, have you heard of a people liberated from slavery, colonialism and the restrictions of exploitation, because it has a government, parliament, flag and anthem?
The president of the Self-Government Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, repeats his statement that “Palestine is the last occupied land in the world”, he refers to the West Bank and the Strip, of course, not to occupied Palestine as we know it. And he said it from the platform of the United Nations, because the discreet Jahbab, Abbas, does not know that half the planet is occupied land, and that many peoples will curse it because they continue to fight and die every day for the sake of liberating their land and save yourself from colonialism, occupation and foreign domination.
Yes, the Zionist enemy is not afraid of false Palestinian reconciliation, and the United States does not care about the forged “central” and “national” councils, designed by the Oslo team according to the size of its president. Rather, the United States is interfering with him in the Zionist entity to grant permission to hold these councils in the first place.
What really terrifies the Zionist entity is the presence of a Palestinian leadership that respects its people and preserves their dignity and completely breaks with the forces of the puppet authority in Oslo, and is terrified by the strong Palestinian fists behind their weapons, intimidated by a scientific and revolutionary vision that knows the way to the goal, and a trusted young leadership that knows who, why, how, when and where to fight. That is to say, to recreate the situation that the literary martyr Ghassan Kanafani called: the unity of arms and the will to revolutionary struggle … that is, the unity of the revolutionaries, not the unity of the merchants and political agents, the unity of the national movement and all groups of people not the unity of tribes and clans that always divided – or reconciled – the case referred to. The great Arabia to the shrapnel and they began to walk together, united, but back!

* Palestinian writer

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