The quantities of medicines in the warehouses are sufficient for the end of the year


The interim government minister of Public Health, Dr. Hamad Hassan, followed the open dossier of the drug, in a meeting at the Ministry of Public Health, which is the second of its kind, and included captains concerned about the dossier to discuss ways to end the crisis of loss of varieties of drugs, in light of what was revealed by the field trips he carried out. Minister Hassan in recent days, and included drug warehouses and several pharmacies.

The meeting was attended by the head of the Pharmacists Union, Dr. Ghassan Al-Amin, the President of the Pharmaceutical Factories in Lebanon, Carole Abi Karam, the President of the Union of Drug Importers and Warehouse Owners Karim Jabara, the Chief of Department of Pharmacy in the Ministry of Public Health, Dr. Colette Raidi, and the advisor to the Minister of Public Health, Dr. Y several involved.

In a statement he made, Minister Hassan explained that “the meeting aims to follow up on the efforts that were made last week, either in terms of urging warehouses and agents to distribute medicines or in terms of rationalizing control on some importers and warehouses, in order to achieve the objective, which is to ensure the safety of the drug supported by Bank of Lebanon for patients residing in Lebanese territory.

He said that “the participation of the three captains in the meeting aims to keep the chain interconnected and responsible to ensure that the pharmacist who receives the medicine in a fair manner, in turn delivers it to the patient in a fair manner.”

He added: “It is unacceptable for any party to resort to monopolies of all kinds, from seizing the medicine it has to distributing it to pharmacies in a very scarce or unfair way”, highlighting that “a follow-up mechanism will be applied that allows knowing the quantities sent and how to deliver and distribute them through the use of barcodes. ” , To be able to track the drugs and pharmacies that were dispensed.

The Health Minister praised the supervisory and security authorities, “who thank those who work in smuggling drugs for trafficking and deprive the Lebanese citizen of them, knowing that they are deceiving those who will sell them medicine because the transport is carried out in conditions that do not take into account the principles. “

He said: “The current policy is based on ensuring the drug for the patient while maintaining a fair distribution, as long as the Ministry of Public Health continues to trace all drugs that are missing from the market in reverse, so that the defect and reason can be determined. of your loss. “

The Minister of Public Health discussed what he had discovered during his recent field trips. Refused to classify pharmacies by some importers who deliver unlimited quantities from “A” pharmacies, and they considered other pharmacies of a lower class, thus delivering less quantities, etc. “This matter is rejected and the equity of the distribution must be decided at this stage.”

He stated that “the quantity of drugs in the warehouse is sufficient for a period ranging between two and three months”, asking “to rationalize the distribution of these quantities in such a way as to ensure the needs of the people until the end of the year, provided that it begins to work to secure an additional amount sufficient for three new months with the money that is still available at La Banque du Liban, in parallel with the Ministry of Public Health, continues to examine and monitor.

He emphasized that “there is a problem at this stage derived from the delay in transactions at the Bank of Lebanon and what is stipulated in the circulars issued by the bank regarding ensuring the payment of cash,” waiting for the bank’s governor to discuss everything related to the health and hospital sector, medicines and supplies with the Ministry of Public Health because it is the reference and the umbrella of the defense of the interest of the health of the citizen, before the generalization of any measure that has a direct negative impact on the provision of medical, health and hospital services.

And he sent a letter to the governor of the Central Bank, in which he wanted to “speed up transactions and help secure the necessary raw materials after the explosion of the port, which was deprived of local pharmaceutical factories to reactivate the local pharmaceutical industry and ensure the Lebanese citizens’ need for medicine “.

He concluded by underlining: “We do not want to defame anyone or hidden accounts against anyone. Rather, those responsible will be prosecuted with the supervisory authorities and the prosecution and the fight against economic crimes, because in these difficult times it is not allowed to allow the weak invest in the health of the citizen and the right to their medicine “.
