The progressive Bekaa of the south, a response to the Free Patriot: you did not comply with Rashaya’s demands in your auspicious era


The Southern Bekaa Interior Agency, of the Progressive Socialist Party, issued the following statement:

We read a statement issued by the Free Patriotic Movement in Rashaya, and although we do not want to argue because our concern is elsewhere, which is to address the problems of many people caused by this unfortunate time, we must clarify some things and ask some questions.

First: After we mentioned the declaration of the existence of the “Free Patriotic Movement” in Rashaya, we asked him: Has this declaration been coordinated with the leadership of the movement? Because the content is different from their policy which prevented electricity from Rashaya Government Hospital, then the statement indicates otherwise. Is this inconsistent or not? Coordination or indifference, from the leadership of the current Brachia and its people?

Second: How did the Rashaya people of the “Free Patriotic Movement” agree to fight against the hospital that cares for all the Rashaya people, as your statement says? And why didn’t they demand his leadership in this matter? And does membership in the movement mean detachment from the rights and concerns of the people? But if you are really interested in maintaining the hospital, we refer you to your leadership, your minister and your director, to come to the people of the region with the answer.

Third: So, if you’re honest in what you said, let’s go together to the Lebanon Electricity Company and the Ministry of Energy that has been controlled by its current for years, and together let’s demand the delivery of electricity to Rashaya Hospital, as well as to all the villages in the region, as we have been working for years. Why didn’t we see any of you stand by us in this lawsuit that you claim to be with? We hope that your party is the voice of your region, not the malice of your party in the region.

Fourth: Advice to review your data because it lacks the minimum level of credibility, especially what has been mentioned about hidden magical achievements of which we have not seen anything, and the people of Rashaya have not seen a trace of them.

Fifth: What do you think of the retaliatory step your leadership took today through Lebanon’s electricity, trying to separate some neighborhoods in the fighting city of Aqaba from Litani’s electricity?

Sixth: We, with all our lost prestige and miserable performance – according to your description – work for this region with the support of our leadership, and three branches of the Lebanese University (Business Administration and Economics, Engineering, Nursing and Legal Obstetrics), the specialized technical institute, agricultural school and Rashaya hospital have doubled the possibility of accommodated from 40 to 96 beds, and now it is equipped with all the equipment and capabilities, and in it all required departments were opened, and it became a destination for all Lebanese from Akkar to the south, in addition to the monitoring teams from the Corona crisis, to the real estate registry, survey departments, the urban planning center and the blood bank at The Red Cross, the Social Security Center, the Medical Committee, the Cooperative Office of State Employees, the Green Project Office, the Foundation for People with Special Needs, the Home for the Aged, the Orphans and the Needed Care Foundation, the approval of the mechanical inspection center, the road network and hundreds of job opportunities, while we have not yet seen your achievements in your auspicious time when you mocked. The state is in his interests and we did not see him fulfilling one of Rashaya’s demands, except for appointing some of his officials to some administrative positions.

May God protect Lebanon from the hatred of those who hate and from the stratagems of those who plague this crisis, in the last quarter of the black tunnel through which the country entered, and whose history you will remember that, like “yellow air”, it did not bring more than ruin, plague and crisis.

Rashaya will continue to be a model of tolerance, love, development and development. Rashaya will continue to consciously and clearly distinguish between those who created institutions and contributed to their development to serve and support all people in all crises, and those who seek hatred to destroy what has been achieved over the years.

It remains for us to wish you, and as a matter of precaution, withdraw your statement so that it does not reach the ears of your leadership, so that it becomes angry and excludes you, and you are the children of our region and you distress us. “
