The prince’s lawyer with the rank of Captain … Details of the ten files | Phalanges


One person opens the corruption files, and all the role they play in this field stops when the investigation is opened, the Lebanese do not know what their fate will be.

A person opens the corruption files and all the role he plays in this field stops when the investigation is opened, so the Lebanese does not know what his fate will be, in these roles that he played, armed or based on his position in one of the active Christian parties, failed to fulfill the role of heroism, since in all these Files it participated in the scenes of return and settlement. Starting with the file of the former CEO of Lebanon Casino Hamid Kreidi, going through the Eden Bay project, the doctored fuel file, and finally, the Prince of Captagon.

In the casino file, that person reserved a place for him on a partisan television station to claim anti-corruption in this public facility, but the file ended with Credi obtaining an authorization authorizing him to escape or travel. However, it turned out that the “aforementioned lawyer” owns shares in the casino, which he had bought at an earlier stage when some of the shares were put up for sale, which makes him a participant in the General Assembly, so when approving authorization in his presence agreed to release, and did not speak at the time.

In the Aiden Bay file, the “named person” led a lengthy media propaganda on social media sites and the television station, but was secretly working, from being a lawyer and collecting his fees, to reaching an agreement, mediating on the one hand in the case with a minister at that time who arranged a visit for them. Republican Palace. To divert attention, he constantly tried to correct the former governor of Beirut, while the latter was not responsible, near or far, for changing the zoning classification, but the government.

A similar arrangement took place in the file of the “Prince of Captagon”, who was arrested years ago for the crime of smuggling Captagon from Beirut International Airport. He was released after years of his arrest with the intervention of a high authority adviser, and the treatment of his hero, the same one who boasts of agitating corruption files, until some have called him “The prince’s lawyer is Captagon” . In this context, it was reported that the “Prince of Captagon” had offered £ 32 billion as settlement to the Customs Directorate, in accordance with the law. Badri Daher kept it in his cabinet at the time in his drawers and did not duly elevate it to the Higher Customs Council for it.

When Raymond Khoury received the address after Daher was arrested, he found the transaction in his files and presented it to the Supreme Council, but the surprise was that the prince had been released in the order of “same files”, leading to the Presidency of the Republic to issue an explanatory statement on the 18th of this month. The question is: who pays £ 32bn as settlement, how much will he pay to the organizer of the deal, leave the number to your imagination?

Finally, everyone knows the issue of fuel, “which was launched on the grounds that it is fraudulent fuel to end up not conforming to specifications, according to Minister Raymond Ghajar, which was one of the reasons for the severe electricity rationing and generators during the past August and September, knowing that this expedient is the right to harm the party to which it belongs, and a series of ministers who took over the energy portfolio.

This is a sample of files that are no more than a tablespoon in a cup, on the other hand, the house you live in is said to be primarily owned by a church.

All these events aroused the anger of a series of deputies of the party to which he belongs, who began to ask many questions at what this lawyer is playing, and what are the sums he is getting by covering up the anti-corruption slogan for his own purposes! Is it possible that all these files end the same way … the deal?
