The president’s health is very good and | Phalanges


The treatment team of US President Donald Trump announced that the President is in very good health and breathing normally.

The doctor of the president of the United States, Donald Trump, confirmed that on Saturday the president’s health is very good, and that he has not had a fever for the last 24 hours, which indicates that he had suffered from a mild fever on Thursday night.

Sean Connally said in a Trump health briefing that he had a mild cough with a stuffy nose but was getting better, emphasizing: “We recommend that the President move to Walter Reed Hospital as a precautionary measure, because he is the President of the United United”.

The medical team also indicated that the president does not face any health problems with breathing or movement, and is not on oxygen and is given an antibiotic and will be treated with a drug remdesivir for 5 days.

Konally explained that his oxygen level is 96 degrees, that he breathes normally and does not suffer from any problems such as pressure.
He confirmed that the president would remain in the hospital until confirmation of recovery and said: “We assess the president’s condition day by day and there is no indication of his need for oxygen.”

On the situation of First Lady Melania Trump, Connally stressed that her condition is very good and there is no need for her to be hospitalized.

Donald Trump was airlifted to Walter Reed Military Medical Center outside Washington on Friday night to be treated for the Corona virus.

In turn, the US media reported that Trump had moved directly to the presidential wing of the center. “As a precaution, on the recommendation of his physician and medical experts, President Trump will operate from the presidential offices at the Walter Reed Center for the next several days,” said White House spokeswoman Kylie McCannani.
In a short video message posted on his Twitter account, he said, “I want to thank everyone for the tremendous support,” adding, “I am going to Walter Reed Hospital. I think I am in great shape, but we will make sure the things go well. ” The first lady is in very good condition ”, referring to her wife Melania, who also tested positive for the emerging coronavirus.

Source: Arabic
