The Pope prays for the children of Syria, Yemen and Iraq | DW Arabia News | Latest news and insights from around the world | DW


The Vatican Pope, Francis I, prayed for the end of suffering in the world and affirmed the unity of humanity, in his message on Friday (December 25) on the first Christmas (Christmas), granting “to the faithful the traditional papal blessing, for the city and for the world. “

Because of the Crown epidemic, the Supreme Pontiff delivered his regular address on this occasion from the “Concession of the Blessing” (Benedictus) room in the Vatican “Apostolic Palace”, instead of the main balcony of the basilica, where crowds often gather in St. Peter’s Square.

The Pope then offered the traditional papal blessing, one of the most important in the Catholic Church, offering universal forgiveness to the faithful. The epidemic and its social and economic consequences dominated Francis’ message, in which he called for the unity of the world and the help of countries that fluctuate on the embers of conflicts and humanitarian crises.

“At this moment in the life of history, with the environmental crises and the serious economic and social imbalances that are exacerbated by the Coronavirus pandemic, it is very important that we recognize ourselves as brothers and sisters,” he said, noting that “we are all in the same boat ”, and that the barriers of national conflicts cannot. Stopping a pandemic does not recognize borders between states.

The Pope stressed the need to provide vaccines against the Covid-19 disease, caused by the virus, to everyone, “especially the most vulnerable groups”, criticizing what appears to be the so-called “vaccine nationalism”, which officials of The UN fear it will leave poor countries the last to receive the vaccine. .

“I hope that (God) revives in political leaders and governments the spirit of international cooperation, starting with health care, ensuring that everyone has access to vaccines and treatment. Faced with a challenge that does not recognize borders, we cannot build walls. We are all in the same boat, “the Pope said. .

The Pope also prayed for those who have suffered because of the pandemic, remembering women, victims of domestic violence.

He also prayed for those who suffer violence and panic caused by war and in crisis areas, calling for peace and a ceasefire in many countries of the world.

Francis specifically called for peace and reconciliation in Syria, Yemen, Libya, the Nagorno Karabakh region, South Sudan, Nigeria, Cameroon and Iraq, which he plans to visit in early March. The Pope singled out the children of Syria, Iraq and Yemen, expressing his regret that they are “paying the high price of war” and calling “for it to shake consciences.”

In his classic presentation of the world’s conflicts, the pontiff particularly expressed his hope that Christmas “will defuse tensions throughout the Middle East and the Eastern Mediterranean.”

