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When you see an Egyptian drama, whether on television or in the cinema, and you find in it a lot of depth, eloquence of expression, the ingenuity of paradoxes, the simplicity of meaning and the funny dialogues, you must think that behind it is the great and brilliant creator, the late Wahid Hamed.

This great writer, described by the prominent critic Tariq Al-Shennawi as the “eloquent peasant”, filled the art world with creativity and occupied people with many works that left a great imprint on the mind and mind of the Arab viewer. , without starting with the immortal film “innocent” or ending with “birds of darkness” and “terrorism and kebabs”. “.

With his departure at the age of 77 and after a long journey giving, many stars and cultural elites in Egypt and the Arab world mourned Hamed, who spent his life defending the values ​​of freedom, social justice and the concerns of the people. simple.

Critic Tariq Al-Shennawi said in his farewell: “You will continue to be a symbol of the most beautiful and profound meanings in life in your defense of truth, goodness and beauty. Thank you for giving me so much when I reached out to you, and your words for me will continue to come alive in my soul. “

Al-Shenawi confirmed that he considers Hamed the eloquent peasant, the pharaoh’s grandson, as he described him in his book, saying that he always sought, through his artistic works, to enrich the values ​​of justice and humanity.

Great Egyptian and Arab stature

For his part, the Tunisian star, Hend Sabry, described him as one of the most important screenwriters for more than half a century, and said through his tweet on Twitter: “The most important authors of Arab cinema over fifty years . His works expressed all the themes of the Arab man, and he is one of those who made us. We love cinema, and she continued: “I was honored to work on the movie The Yacoubian Building, and before that I was a fan of his work. May God have mercy on Mr. Waheed Hamed, and my sincere condolences to my brother Marawan Hamed , the generous family and the whole family of Arab art.

As for the Egyptian director, Amr Arafa, he revived the late attributes of “honesty, honesty and patriotism”, highlighting that they are “titles that do not come from the pen of Wahid Hamed”.

In the same context, the director and former member of the Egyptian parliament Khaled Youssef said that “Egypt and its Arab nation” have lost “knowledge and standard … courage and stature”, referring to the late writer who is “one of the most important pillars. important of Arab art “.

Deep political treatment

As for the Lebanese media, Rima Sadiq praised the immortal film “The Innocents” and considered it the most profound political and social treatment of dictatorial regimes in the Arab world.

Speaking to the Al-Hurra website, the well-known critic Tariq Al-Shennawi confirmed that Wahid Hamed was a human being with firm principles, and he got off his horse without giving up on him and remained attached to him until the last moment.

He pointed out that the creator of “birds of darkness” and “terrorism and kebabs” was against extremist and militant ideology in all its forms, and believed that a great country like Egypt should not be ruled by a strict religious faisal, and that the land of Egypt has no choice but to be a moderate and moderate marital status that includes all her children.

‘Egypt is the birth’

Regarding the most important works that affected him as a viewer and critic, Al-Shennawi explained that Hamed left many distinguished works on various levels. On an intellectual level, the movie “Innocent” by the late protagonist Ahmed Zaki is considered the most important of his production, and on a comedic level there was a movie “Stranger in my house” starring Cinderella on the screen. Arabia Souad Hosni and the late great actor Nour al-Sharif.

Al-Shennawi noted that the series “Dreams of the Flying Child” launched the stardom and mass of “Al-Zaeem” Adel Imam after it was shown on the small screen in the late 1970s, after which the star Brown continued to shine in other Wahid Hamed works such as “Human Lives Once” and “Birds”. Darkness and terrorism and kebabs.

Al-Shinawi rejected the idea that the era of the “great screenwriter” had ended with the departure of Wahid Hamid and Lenin al-Ramli, and the creative leader, Osama Anwar Okasha, accepted them. Art in accordance with the development of the time and its values ​​”.

And a few days before going through a health crisis and entering intensive care, Hamed won the Golden Pyramid Appreciation Award for his artistic career, from the Cairo International Film Festival in its 42nd session.

A symposium was held as part of his tribute program, in which he spoke about his career in the presence of many stars and cultural elites, so that his last words were of thanks and gratitude to those who loved his art and creativity among the masses.

And confirm that he was always working for those masses who gave him their love and support, who gave him a new life and thus continued to give him even with his advanced age.
