The Pope in Iraq … the project of religious rapprochement begins


In light of the strict security measures, Pope Francis visited Iraq on Friday, in an unprecedented historical visit to a country devastated by wars and conflicts, asking for solidarity and strengthening communication with the peoples.
According to Arab newspapers issued on Saturday, the Pope issued a brazen appeal that surprised Iraqi officials with a bold and determined speech urging them to stop using weapons and confront corruption and private and partisan interests, which appeared to be direct accusations against the political ruler. class, parties and militias that tightened their control over the country, neglecting the rights of minorities.

A united society
In the Emirati newspaper Al-Bayan, Leila Bin Hodna said: “The historic visit of Pope Francis to Iraq sends profound messages that the project of religious rapprochement in Iraq is of the greatest need to build a unified society in which justice prevails. and the peace. “

He added that “Iraq includes a variety of religions that have coexisted throughout history in harmony, understanding and respect, but things differ in light of plans to attack the common Iraqi identity, divide societies into religious majority and minority. , and giving preference to sectarian affiliation over national affiliation, which led to the spread of sectarianism and intolerance.They represent the source of the disasters facing Iraq, and the absence of a culture of religious dialogue was the main reason for unleashing conflicts in Iraq “.

He explained that the search for mutual understanding between religious components cannot be escaped, since Iraq needs more than ever the term peaceful coexistence and its applications, since unfortunately there is no real project to define the value of tolerance, since all believe that he is right and must subdue the other.

The writer noted that Iraqis must absorb the harsh lessons of the past to rebuild trust, restore the spirit of hope among all people, and block the way for advocates of extremism and extremism. The responsibility is great and caution is required.

Honest advice
In turn, the Emirati newspaper Al-Ittihad said in its editorial: “Pope Francis defined Mesopotamia as the two scourges of arms and corruption, and his cure by listening to those who build and make peace.”

He added that “the messages on the first day of his historic visit to Iraq seemed like a clear roadmap for everyone to stop private and foreign interests, confront abuse of power and reject violence, extremism, partisanship and intolerance.”

And he continued: “A sincere advice, affirming the need to lay the foundations of a democratic society that guarantees the participation of all groups, not considering anyone as a second-class citizen, working to achieve justice, developing integrity and integrity. transparency, strengthening institutions, and giving space to all those who want peace and joint construction in dialogue and in an open and constructive confrontation.

The newspaper pointed out that Pope Francis was interested in the unifying word that unites and does not differentiate anyone, and when he said: “Arms are silent,” he did not specify one part without the other, but demanded the end of its dissemination. Everywhere.

He explained that the courage of the leader of the Catholic Church, who and the Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar Imam Ahmed Al-Tayeb launched the Human Fraternity Document in Abu Dhabi in February (February) 2019, should give hope for a better future. of hatred and sectarianism, not only for Iraq but also for the region.

A message of solidarity
For his part, Gabriel Al-Obaidi said in the daily Asharq Al-Awsat, “The Iraqi city of Ur, which had not received electricity and basic services for 6 thousand years until Pope Francis’ visit, confirms the magnitude of the suffering that the Iraqi population is suffering from the failure of successive governments over the keys to Iraqi oil coffers to provide basic services. “” Unless you are surprised by a visit of this size, then you line the roads, connect the electrical cables, paint the walls, they clean the streets, and they light up in three days, which have been absent for many years from the agenda of successive governments to govern Iraq. “

He added: “The Pope’s visit came at a critical and shameful moment, despite his advanced age, the outbreak of the Corona pandemic, security risks, indiscriminate missiles and projectiles falling on airports, bases and sensitive places in Iraq. , but he insisted on carrying out the visit postponed for 20 years since his predecessor, Pope John Paul II. “

He noted that the Pope’s visit, although one of its main reasons is to highlight the suffering of the Christian minority, but it will also reflect the suffering of Iraqis in general, and will shed light on Iraq, the country afflicted since the US invasion. in 2003, the liberation of Iran and its militias in the metropolis of Rashid, cradle of the Abbasid caliphate and the Mesopotamian civilization.

And the writer added: “There is no doubt that the visit is told for its courage in time and place, and reflects the positive spirit enjoyed by the Pope, the spirit of brotherhood and coexistence and the rejection of clashes between religions and civilizations. “. pointing out that the Pope’s visit to Iraq is a message of reconciliation and brotherhood with Muslims and of consolation and solidarity with Christians.

Political reform
Regarding the Akhbar Al-Khaleej newspaper, writer Abdullah Al-Ayoubi said: “Since the fall of the late President Saddam Hussein’s regime, Iraq has not witnessed political or security tranquility with a steady and sharp escalation in the economy. , life and social crisis due to the spread of financial, administrative and political corruption in the country “.

He added: “What Nasiriyah witnessed last week is one episode in a series of protests that have not stopped. The relative calm that various Iraqi regions witnessed last year was forced by the outbreak of the Corona pandemic that hit almost every country in the world, but despite this dangerous health condition, the miserable conditions in which the Iraqi citizen lives prompted citizens to take to the streets once again to demand their legitimate rights.

He noted that the current Iraqi government, as well as previous governments, had not been able to put in place an effective program to address the intractable problems that Iraq has experienced from the invasion until now, such as the first years that followed the American one. The invasion could be considered lost years due to the dangerous security conditions in Iraq and the spread of terrorism, but after the government’s success in significantly and qualitatively reducing terrorist threats, all governments did not offer effective solutions to the Iraqi citizen. with the exception of promises to which the citizen no longer paid attention or trusted.

And the writer added, “Iraq needs bold measures and decisions to get out of the deteriorating conditions that the Iraqi state has reached. If security stability is necessary to move the production process, political stability through a system that it places citizenship as the basis of its work program and not close affiliations is no less important than security stability. ” And unless Iraq succeeds in that, the riots and protests will not end. Citizens are interested in benefiting from the assets of their homeland and benefiting from them in the livelihoods and socially. “
