The people are hungry and destroyed, and the formation of a government is a gateway to reform


The Maronite Patriarch Cardinal Mar Bechara Boutros Al-Rai stressed, after his meeting with the President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, who received him this morning at the Baabda Palace, that “we cannot stop looking at our hungry, unemployed people , unemployed and distrustful, especially our people in Beirut who are Suffering from the explosion of August 4, and stare at their wounds. This is a fundamental reason for us to have a government “, considering that” it is necessary to reach a final understanding between the designated president and His Excellency the president, according to the constitution. “

The Maronite Patriarch asserted that it had not touched “at all for the president of the republic to join the obstructing third party, above all because there is an agreement and public opinion based on the obligation that the government be neither political nor partisan, but composed of specialists. not linked to any party “, revealing that he does not know all the names presented. “It is not my role to carry out an evaluation process for this”, noting that “the issue of evaluating them and assigning portfolios to them so that there really is a government of specialists and all in their place belong to His Excellency the President and the designated President”.

He noted: “We live in an eastern environment on the verge of an imp. Can Lebanon be absent from it? If there are no solutions, then it cannot stay connected with itself here and there,” and emphasized that “Lebanon cannot live like this. , while losing its institutions “. One by one and he suffers from paralysis. “

Patriarch Al-Ra’i condemned the “media campaigns against the president of the republic” and affirmed his rejection of them, saying: “We, as citizens and clerics, want respect for the existing authorities, and this is followed by virtue of the formation of our thought, our education and our spirituality, that is why we respect all authority bearers. And if I do not have order. As for a possessor of power, I have to tell them. But I do not have to come to the media to denounce the dignity of the holder of power, then what if he is the president of the republic? If you have something, tell him, but respect must be above any consideration. “

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After the meeting with President Aoun, which lasted about an hour and a half, Patriarch Al-Rai made the following statement to journalists: “It is always an honor for me, before Eid, to visit His Excellency the President of the Republic to officially invite him to Eid Mass, as usual. But His Excellency the President always precedes us and decides to attend Mass. So my visit to him comes almost formally, because he is designed to attend mass. He wanted us to go back and have a government. This was the topic of our conversation during the entire time of the visit, because we cannot stay in this situation, there are many things that require that we do not wait any additional day for three reasons. :

First, our people can no longer bear it. We cannot stop looking at our hungry, unemployed, lost of hope and confidence, especially our people in Beirut who are suffering as a result of the August 4 explosion, and wait and watch their injuries. This is a fundamental reason for having a government. Its existence means that we restore normal life, that is, we now have an executive authority that assumes its responsibilities, and it is one of the constitutional institutions that must be present. Therefore, we cannot maintain a provisional government that can last one or two months, but cannot remain for a period of four, five or six months. This is not normal because the country is paralyzed. As if the Crown epidemic weren’t enough to paralyze everything. So we can’t stay like this. Whatever the reasons and circumstances, it is necessary to reach a final understanding between the designated president and His Excellency the president, in accordance with the constitution. This is a fundamental reason, because our people can no longer bear it.

As for the second reason, it is that the existence of a government is a gateway to all reforms, starting with the reconstruction of Beirut. We cannot stand on the sidelines and see it that way, nor let the citizens restore the reform of their flesh and blood on their own. I thank everyone who helped me from humanitarian organizations or countries that helped. However, we are facing a large workshop that needs billions, and this requires the presence of a government.

On top of all that, we live in an oriental setting on the edge of the imp. Are there solutions and is Lebanon absent? Lebanon cannot be absent, because it must be sitting in its chair and this chair cannot remain empty. And if there are no solutions, Lebanon cannot continue to tie here and there. And if there is war, we must also have a government that knows how to think and act. The door to all institutions is the government. Lebanon cannot live like this while losing its institutions one after another and suffering from paralysis. The truth is not only against the Corona epidemic, this epidemic disrupted business and forced us to commit to our homes and not to continue our normal lives, since for the country’s institutions they are autonomous and cannot tolerate any delay at all. This was the central theme of our conversation with His Excellency the President, and it is our common concern that we convey to you. Of course, the president is the president, and what people think they call him president of the republic, and that is normal, but the institutions also have to function normally, and the judiciary, departments and ministries must function with normal. All of this is interrelated. “

In response to a question about whether he conveyed a message from Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri to the President of the Republic, he said: “No, no. I came first in a personal capacity as Patriarch to assume my responsibility, with the concern that people constantly express. We have daily receptions and people who come to us and receive daily messages. I brought to His Excellency the President the voice of the people and their pain and our pain with them, because we are among the people. It is not normal for us to stay like this. I asked Prime Minister Hariri to tell me why there is a delay in the formation of the government and I told His Excellency the President these matters and listened to his point of view.

In response to another question, he explained: “There is no obstruction, neither here nor there. The matter requires a joint session, and this is what I told His Excellency the President.”

Regarding President Aoun’s objection to the uniqueness of the prime minister in charge of nominating ministers, especially Christians, he replied: “We did not go into this whole issue. We start from the basic principle of the constitution that establishes that the designated president attends its formation. As for how to attend, that’s your job. And he has to go to the president of the republic to consult with him to issue the government. I don’t go into detail with them as to who is entitled and who is not. This matter is resolved between them and this is what should happen. “

Regarding the refusal of the designated president to give the third blockade to anyone, he replied: “I did not mention in my conversation with His Excellency Mr. President that he adheres to the obstructive third party, especially because there is an agreement and public opinion that is based on the The need for the government to be neither political nor partisan, but rather a government made up of specialists not associated with any party. If the government is political, then one can speak of a disabled third party in the north and the right, knowing that as a principle, the obstructing third party does not exist, neither in Taif nor in the constitution, and is an outsider and unnecessary in my opinion. As for the government being independent and technical, it has nothing to do with the parties. I did not touch at all in my speech that His Excellency the President adheres to the obstructive third.

And if the President-designate expressed it in the form of the names presented before him, and what he thinks of them, he said: “I don’t know all the names, because these names were exchanged between the President-designate and His Excellency the President, and there are more than one or two names. I personally don’t know people. It is not my role to do an evaluation process for you. I also respect my borders. The issue of evaluating them and assigning them portfolios so that there really is a government of specialists, everyone is in their place in it, and they are matters of the competence of His Excellency the President and the President-designate.

On his position in the daily media campaigns attacking the president of the republic, Patriarch Al-Rai said: “We are against these campaigns. Bearer of authority, I have to tell you, but I don’t have to come to the media to denounce the dignity of the person in power, so what if he is the president of the republic? If you have any orders, tell them, but respect must be above any consideration. The media is exposed to everyone, and they have exposed themselves to us personally more than once and they have injured us more than once and they have hurt our dignity more than once. My answer was that whoever wants to know the truth, so that their cry is known, and we have nothing hidden, please ask me and I will give you the answer. But we do not accept, we do not allow and we do not violate the dignity of any person as a human being, so what if he is responsible? This is by virtue of our education and our culture. “

President Aoun received MP Jean Obeid and had a tour of the horizon with him that addressed the latest political developments.

After the meeting, Representative Obeid only said: “I presented to His Excellency the President of the Republic the general situation and I gave him some ideas and suggestions, which became his property and in his custody and he is the one who takes the decisions. decisions in them “.

A telegram to Macron
President Aoun cabled his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron, assuring him of his health and wishing him a speedy recovery, after the French presidential palace announced yesterday that he had been infected with the Corona epidemic.
