The Pastor: Aoun and Hariri are able to “train” if they interrupt the interventions


The Pastor: Aoun and Hariri can

The Maronite Patriarch, Cardinal Mar Bechara Boutros Al-Rahi, said: “The government will not be formed except through a meeting with the President of the Republic and the President-designate and their agreement to form a government that is distinguished by true independence. , democratic and pluralist balance, and with highly qualified ministers “.

He said in his sermon, during a mass in Bkerke on the occasion of the International Day of Peace: “It is useless to exchange accusations between officials and politicians about who is responsible for hindering the formation of the government, the president of the republic and the designated president. they are capable of making this responsible and courageous decision if the burdens and pressures are taken away from them, and above the stocks, stock markets and interests, they obstructed internal and external interventions and set their sights on the interests of Lebanon only. “

Al-Ra’i noted that “rescue is not without risk, and all risks reduce the risk of total collapse.”

And he says in the sermon:

1. The Church celebrates today: The Feast of the Holy Family, an example of every Christian family. In it, the human being grows in his humanity in its three dimensions: physical, cognitive and spiritual, provided that parents are role models for their children and those in obedience to them. This is how the Holy Family lived in Nazareth. The incarnate God obeyed them and grew in stature, from the fatigue of Joseph and Mary and from their daily work in the carpentry, and from the wisdom acquiring knowledge, experience and human and social virtues; And by divine grace, by his fullness of the Holy Spirit through prayer and his religious obligations on every Saturday.

We pray that God sanctifies our families, that each family is a “home church” that transmits faith and teaches prayer, “a first natural school” that teaches virtues and morals, and a “living cell” of society that prepare good limbs for it.

2. It is a pleasure for us to celebrate this divine liturgy together in observance of the Feast of the Holy Family and the 54th International Day of Peace. We greet the Episcopal Committee “Justice and Peace” that summoned this celebration. We pray to God for peace in the world, ours and in the Middle East, and for the intention of all those who suffered and cared for the victims of the port explosion on August 4, 2020.

We would like to greet the Patriarch Nasrallah Sfeir Foundation: its president, Dr. Elias Sfeir, and the members of the administrative board. This charity includes two sectors: a medical dispensary in his parents’ home in Rayfoun, which he placed in the custody of Caritas Lebanon, and an educational institution that secures university scholarships for needy students at various private universities. This divine sacrifice is offered for the consolation of the same triangle of mercy, Patriarch Cardinal Mar Nasrallah Boutros, and we pray for the prosperity and growth of the institution.

“A culture of care, a path of peace”

3. This is the title of His Holiness Pope Francis’ message for the World Day of Peace 2021. He chose it among the international events that taught us the importance of caring for people, especially the victims of the Corona epidemic , racial discrimination, fear of foreigners, conflicts and wars. Relatives of the victims expressed their condolences and greeted the doctors, nurses, counselors, volunteers and hospital workers who risked their lives to care for the injured. Pope Francis called on everyone to learn, practice and nurture the culture of care.

4. We learn the culture of care

A- From God the Creator, who gave man to take care of creation and the earth to protect it as its advocate, and to cultivate and invest it (Genesis 2:15). 4:15). This indicates the untouchable dignity of the human person, because he was created in the image and likeness of God (paragraphs 2 and 3).

B – The life and mission of Jesus, who personified the Father’s love for all people. In the Nazareth synagogue, Jesus proclaimed his mission as the Father’s messenger, dedicated by the Spirit to proclaim good news to the needy, deliverance to the captives, sight the blind, and reparation to the oppressed (Luke 4:18). And we saw him in the Gospel bending over the sick in body and spirit, healing them, forgiving sinners and giving them new life.

This culture marked the life of Christians from the first congregation, and they shared everything among themselves, so that they would not have needed each other (Acts 4: 34-35). Then, over time, they were educational, hospital, social and charitable institutions for various needs (paragraphs 4 and 5).

C- The social doctrine of the Church, from which Pope Francis chose four principles (paragraph 6):

1) Promote the dignity and rights of the human person: Every person is an end in itself, and not just a tool or tool that is evaluated based on its usefulness. They are created to live with others in the family, society and the state, with equality among all in rights and duties and in dignity, and caring for the weakest due to poverty, disease, abandonment and marginalization.

2) Ensuring the public good: It is “the totality of the conditions of social life that allow a group and each member of it to achieve their own perfection and ensure the good of each person and the good of all. It is the culmination of social, political and economic life.

3) Solidarity: since it is a constant and continuous intention of committing ourselves to each other, because in it we are “responsible for all”. We see in the other, whether individual or group, a partner with whom we share equally in the party of life.

4) Protect creation: listening to the cry of the helpless and the cry of creation. This listening generates a care for their needs, based on feelings of tenderness, compassion and concern for others.

5. Practice a culture of caring

It requires following the four principles mentioned as a compass, either at a personal level or by those responsible for international organizations, governments, the world of economics, science, the media and educational institutions; and practice them towards those who suffer poverty, disease, slavery, racial discrimination and conflict.

What is required in this way is not to waste public money on armaments, especially nuclear weapons, while millions starve and hospitals lack medical and sanitary tools (paragraph 7).

6. Education in the culture of care (paragraph 8).

Pope Francis identifies four groups responsible for this education:

a- The family: as a natural and fundamental cell of society. However, you need conditions that allow you to play this role.

SECOND- School, university and media workers: They can transmit a value system based on the recognition of the dignity of each person, of each linguistic, ethnic and religious group and of each people, and the recognition of their basic rights.

C- Religions and their leaders: they have an irreplaceable role in transmitting the values ​​of solidarity and respect for others and in promoting social justice, healthy freedom and peace, as the church does.

of the- Those who commit to serving people through international organizations and governments can carry out a more open and inclusive educational mission.

7. As a conclusion to his message, Pope Francis affirms that “there is no peace without a culture of care” (paragraph 9). It is a culture of common commitment and solidarity to protect and promote the dignity and good of all. It is the culture of care and attention that sets the path par excellence for the construction of peace.

He concludes: “We are all in a boat thrown by the whirlwind of crises. We must sail together to a safe and quiet harbor, and we look to the Virgin Mary, morning star and mother of hope. Weakest condition. “

8. In light of this message that calls for a culture of peace, we consider that the government will not be formed except through a meeting with the President of the Republic and the designated President, and their agreement to form a distinguished government, with true independence, democratic and pluralistic balance, and with highly qualified ministers in their specialization and national awareness of public affairs. The exchange of accusations between officials and politicians about who is responsible for hindering their training does not help.

The President of the Republic and the President-designate can make this responsible and courageous decision if they keep charges and pressures away from them, cancel quotas and portfolios, disrupt various internal and external interventions, and fix their gaze on the interests of Lebanon alone. Rescue is not without risk, and all risks underestimate the risk of total collapse. This rescue step puts all your responsibilities first. It is true that the Parliament that was elected to represent the people and that derives its legitimacy from the people, is not allowed to oppose the will of the people who want a government today before tomorrow.

9. The New Year’s Eve filming is an elegant and uncivilized habit. Wouldn’t the victims of the port, the Coronavirus pandemic and the intrusive weapon be enough for us to add the victims of the stray bullets and their material damage? Some Lebanese do not own the price of a loaf of bread, so how do they own the price of guns and bullets? Wasn’t it social decency and human solidarity imposing modesty and refraining from this kind of joy, while hundreds and hundreds of families mourned for those who lost their lives in the port explosion and as a consequence of Corona? While we appreciate the military forces and security services to provide security, we cannot help but demand that these agencies and the judiciary address this scourge in all regions.

10. We ask you, God of peace, to sow your peace in hearts, so that we can build it in our families, our societies and our homeland. Glory and praise to you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.
