The owner of the hijacked boat off the coast of Nigeria confirms that Egyptians and Lebanese are among those hijacked


The owner of the hijacked boat off the coast of Nigeria confirms that Egyptians and Lebanese are among those hijacked


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The owner of the hijacked ship off the Nigerian coast, the Lebanese Adnan Al-Kout, revealed that two Egyptians and three Lebanese nationals were among those kidnapped.

The Al-Youm Al-Sabea newspaper quoted the ship’s owner as saying that there were 10 people on board, indicating that the pirates had hijacked the ship off the coast of Nigeria during its journey to Cameroon.

Al-Koot confirmed that he had leased the ship to a person named Tavo Lawrence and explained that it was flying the flag of Saint Kitts, a country located in the Caribbean, and was transporting goods from Nigeria to Cameroon.

He indicated that he had received a call from Thuraya’s phone held by the pirates to demand a ransom for the release of the ship, noting that he had told them to rent the ship to another person residing in Nigeria, after having checked the state of health of the ship’s crew.

He pointed out that the kidnappers are 10 people, they are two Egyptian citizens, 3 Lebanese and 4 citizens of Indian nationality, in addition to another person who holds the nationality of Cameroon, highlighting that he has contacted the official authorities of the state of Nigeria and several competent authorities in Lebanon to intervene quickly and release the hostages.

Sources had previously revealed that two Egyptian nationals were abducted aboard the Lebanese freighter “Milan-1” a few days ago off the Nigerian coast while en route to Cameroon. .

Source: The Seventh Day
