The operation at the military hospital is the first of its kind


Titled For the First Time Outside of America and Europe !, Sergeant Christina Abbas wrote on the Army’s official website: We may not be surprised to learn of the success of unique and delicate surgeries in the world’s largest hospitals that have the better technologies and equipment. But this time, the news comes from Lebanon, specifically from the Central Military Hospital, so what happened there?

On August 8, Senior Physician Elias Khoury performed the Whipple Surgery, or removal of the head of the pancreas and the surrounding area, for a Military Medic recipient. This surgery is the largest operation performed on the abdomen, as it involves removing the head of the pancreas and repairing the surrounding area at the same time. It is usually done through an incision. But Major Doctor Khoury did it at the Central Military Hospital using endoscopes, and this was what happened for the first time outside of Europe and America. Major Khoury points out that the liver course of the patient who underwent surgery was twisted, and after the medical intervention that was performed and the surgery she underwent, her condition became excellent and she did not suffer secondary reactions or infections.
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This surgery is one of several special surgeries witnessed by the Central Military Hospital, thanks to the fact that it keeps up with international medical development. In this context, Lieutenant Colonel Hussam Abtar, a specialist in general laparoscopic surgery, performed two specific operations, one for nephrectomy and the other for pancreatectomy. He explains that “it was possible to perform such specific and precise surgeries at the Military Hospital thanks to the provision of modern medical and surgical equipment and materials, and because of the vast experience of surgeons and their practice in endoscopic operations.

Regarding the nature of the two surgeries and the importance of performing them laparoscopically, the presenting physician, an amputee, indicates that a nephrectomy or pancreatic operation is usually performed to remove a benign or malignant tumor in them. And the laparoscopic implementation benefits the patient in several ways, the first of which is small scars that leave no trace, and the second, the ability of the patient to practice their normal activity in a faster time than conventional surgery. Also, the patient becomes less prone to infections that can occur after the operation, and the period of stay in the hospital is shorter and pain is less. On the other hand, Lieutenant Colonel Apter points out the importance of these two organs, which make any mistake or mistake a cause of difficult and dangerous complications. It confirms that 90% of general surgery operations at the Military Hospital today are performed using laparoscopic technology.

for these reasons…

The beneficiaries of military medicine feel gratitude and consolation for several reasons, the first of which is the trust in the service provided by an efficient medical and nursing staff, the second is what they have seen in terms of equipment and supplies renewal , and the third and not the last of them is the feeling of belonging to a true family, providing them with dedicated care in the fulfillment of their humanitarian duty, and at the service of their comrades Armas and their families.

Retired Sergeant Kanaan Kanaan, who underwent surgery on August 4 (the day of the Beirut port explosion), tells us that the hospital was full of wounded and wounded as a result of the explosion, but did not suspect any negligence in this regard. “The wounded and the dead are at the entrance to the emergency room,” he says, “but they are not late even for the most basic things I need. They were always ready for anything. “

Retired First Sergeant Jamil Yaqoub highlights the service he received from the nurses after the surgery he underwent, as “they were answering the call immediately and without us waiting for them.”

“I was having surgery for the first time in my life, and yet I did not feel fear at all”, with this expression, Ms. Zainab Abdel Hamid spoke about the procedures that were performed before her admission to surgery, and the psychological comfort that the doctors gave him. Although she had to be operated on in a civilian hospital, the military doctors escorted her and monitored her condition and are still there. “They even took me in an ambulance from the military hospital to the other hospital for the operation,” he says. “They saved my life.”

As for Ms. Samara Al-Mazbouh, she notes that everyone who was present at the hospital during the operation contributed to its success, from the preparation to the operation that was carried out in a civilian hospital under the supervision of a military medical officer. And he adds: “After seeing the treatment in the two hospitals, I think that the military hospital is not comparable to any other hospital, so the follow-up we see in it is wonderful.”

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