The nuclear deal … Iran rejects a US proposal to gradually lift sanctions


Today, Saturday, Tehran renewed its adherence to the full lifting of US sanctions, in exchange for a rollback of its violations of the terms of the nuclear deal and a full return to its previous obligations.

Press TV reported that the Iranian Foreign Ministry refused any gradual lifting of sanctions on Saturday. Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said: “Iran’s final position is firm on adhering to the lifting of all US sanctions.”

This comes after Iran and the United States agreed to hold indirect talks in Vienna next Tuesday to reactivate the nuclear deal concluded between Iran and world powers in 2015, which will focus on “the nuclear steps that Iran will have to take to return to commitment “to that agreement.

On Friday, Ned Price, a spokesman for the US State Department, said: The talks will be based on the working groups that the European Union will form with the rest of the participants from the signatory countries of the nuclear agreement, including Iran.

Price added: “We are still in the early stages and we do not expect immediate progress because we face difficult discussions, but we believe this is a useful step,” noting that Washington is still open to direct talks with Tehran.

For his part, said a senior official of the European Union, which is coordinating to reactivate the agreement: The objective is to reach an agreement in two months. Adding: The talks will seek to develop lists of negotiations that include the sanctions that the United States can lift and the nuclear obligations that Iran must comply with.

In turn, the Iranian Foreign Minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, considered that the objective of the next meeting in Vienna is “to quickly finalize the steps for the lifting of sanctions and nuclear measures in order to coordinate the cancellation of all sanctions, followed by suspension of corrective measures by Iran. measures. “

Uranium enrichment is an Iranian bargaining chip

The director of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, Ali Akbar Salehi, considered the uranium enrichment process as “a bargaining chip that Tehran will not give up.”

Salehi stressed that the negotiations between Iran and the “5 + 1” group, “will not go beyond the nuclear program,” and noted that uranium enrichment has led to an increase in his country’s bargaining power.

Salehi said through the application “Clubhouse”: The nuclear file is considered today one of the basic elements of the authority of the Iranian regime, adding that “if we reach an agreement, we can stop enrichment by 20% and dismantle the new centrifuges immediately, but the step to disassemble the new devices will take some time. “

Negotiating between Iran and the United States will not be easy

Observers expressed concern that the road to negotiations is still full of thorns and that the next few weeks will not be easy.

Ali Fayez, head of the Iranian archive at the Center for the International Crisis Group, told the Financial Times: “The positive thing about these meetings is that they seek to develop a roadmap, and as soon as there is an action plan or a map, at least the two parties will have no illusions about the form. What the end of that game will be like, “but added that negotiating a full roadmap would be” difficult and difficult. “

In addition, 3 people familiar with the dossier confirmed to the newspaper that Iran informed European officials at a meeting earlier this week in Frankfurt that it wanted to agree on a roadmap for the return of the two parties to full and mutual compliance with the terms. of the agreement.

Former US President Donald Trump withdrew from the deal in 2018 and reimposed sanctions; This led Iran to violate some of the agreement’s restrictions in response.

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