‘The news’ … an oil crisis is coming


The Al-Akhbar newspaper learned that the Governor of the Banque du Liban, Riad Salameh, refused to sign decisions to open credits (in dollars) for gasoline importing companies, before obtaining a detailed list from the Ministry of Energy for these. Business.

According to banking sources, Salameh asked the interim government’s energy minister, Raymond Ghajar, to provide him with information on the amounts of fuel that the EDL intends to import in the coming months, in order to generate electricity. It also requested a list of fuel importing companies (gasoline, diesel and gas), and the quantities they request.

According to the newspaper, Salameh justifies his requests by saying that his objective is to study the needs of the market and how to reconcile them with “the remaining dollars in the Banque du Liban.” Salameh’s refusal to pre-approve open credits leads to companies being unable to import, which means a gasoline crisis is looming on the horizon. Companies say they don’t store gasoline that evaporates quickly and typically only imports long enough days on the market. As for diesel, it is available due to storage of large quantities in recent months.

Banking sources indicated that the dollar crisis will not be limited to fuels, since the importation of medicines will not be carried out conveniently in the future, pointing on the other hand to the existence of a large stock of medicines in Lebanon, since it was verified that companies had previously imported more quantities than the market needs. Sources indicated that Salama is more lenient with pharmaceutical companies than with those that import fuel.
