The New York Times reveals the identity of whoever tried to ‘poison Trump’!


The world – the Americas

White House law enforcement officials said they “intercepted, on Saturday, a package containing ricin toxin destined for Trump,” he said.

The source stated that “the package is a postal envelope believed to have been sent from Canada, and that officials have identified the identity of the woman with the package.”

He continued: “The envelope was intercepted at a government mail center, prior to its arrival at the White House.”

A security official revealed that, to date, no link has been found between the message and any international terrorist organization.

Ricin is a highly toxic compound extracted from castor beans, which have been used before in a number of terrorist operations.

It can be used in powder, granule or smoke form, and if ingested it causes nausea, vomiting and internal bleeding in the stomach and intestines, followed by liver, spleen and kidney failure, and death from collapse of the blood circulation.

The “Business Insider” website said that taking a single dose of ricin powder can kill a person in 3 to 5 days.

Earlier, US authorities said they had “found at least two packages, suspected of containing ricin, that were destined for the Pentagon,” according to their claim.
