The “new Corona strain” changed everything in hours


Britain has isolated itself from many countries today, after its closest allies cut off transport links with it due to concerns about the emerging new strain of corona virus, which caused a state of confusion in families and businesses, within days before leaving the orbit of the European Union.

France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Ireland, Belgium, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Israel and India cut their travel ties with Britain, after their Prime Minister Boris Johnson warned that the new strain highly contagious virus poses a threat to your country.

On Monday, Johnson will chair an emergency meeting to discuss international travel, especially maritime traffic to and from Britain.

France closed its borders to people and trucks coming from the UK, closing one of the most important commercial arteries between Britain and the mainland in Europe, in a move that Transport Minister Grant Shaps called “surprising”.

Shabs told “Sky News”: “I am in contact with my counterpart in France, and we are doing everything in our power to resume the movement. They really told us that they want to resume the transfer as soon as possible,” according to Reuters .

He added that lifting the embargo as soon as possible is a priority for him, but in light of Britain’s preparations for the end of the transition period to leave the European Union, he was well prepared for the severance of ties.

In Oslo, the Norwegian Health Minister said in a statement on Monday that flights from the UK to his country will be suspended with immediate effect for at least 48 hours, due to concerns about the new strain of Corona.

Britain is scheduled to leave the orbit of the European Union at 23:00 GMT on December 31.

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