The mutated Corona strain invades new countries


Informed newspaper "Nikki" The Japanese, that the Asian country decided to prohibit entry to all foreign arrivals, from December 28 until the end of January, after it was confirmed that people from Great Britain were infected with the mutated strain of the Corona virus.

In India, people infected with the new Corona virus were detected among those returning from Great Britain, but it was not confirmed whether they were carriers of the new strain of infection.

Meanwhile, confirmed cases of the mutated strain were recorded in Spain on Saturday (four cases), following the announcement on Friday of injuries in France, Germany and Lebanon.

On Friday, France announced the registration of the strain infection with a citizen residing in Great Britain, who had entered France a few days ago.

In Denmark, Sweden’s neighboring country, health authorities announced earlier this week that a total of 33 cases of this emerging corona virus strain had been recorded.

He mentioned the Danish Institute responsible for the control of infectious diseases "New statistics indicate that an infection has spread in Denmark with the English mutation" Referring to him "At a low level".

And the Danish authorities confirm that they have a greater potential to sequence the virus genome than most other countries, and therefore have a greater chance of identifying infections.


And the Swedish health authorities announced on Saturday the registration of the first infection with the emerging mutated strain of the Corona virus, explaining in a statement that it had been detected “in a person from the United Kingdom”.

Sweden extended the suspension of flights from the United Kingdom, on Wednesday, until December 31, after the appearance of this strain.

Sweden has always formed a different model in the Crown crisis, since this European country has not experienced a serious epidemic situation like France, Italy and Spain, where the death toll approaches or exceeds one hundred after last month of March.

Sweden initially opted for awareness and voluntary commitment of people to preventive measures, and did not initiate mandatory application of them until recently, after the high number of new infections.

Sweden preferred to impose limited restrictions only to encircle Corona, while other countries chose to impose a comprehensive quarantine, leading to economic consequences that were described as catastrophic.

The subspecies mutated in several countries.

The announcement of the first case of the new strain occurs in Sweden, while similar announcements in several countries of the world followed Saturday.

The Japanese newspaper “Nikki” reported that the Asian country decided to ban all foreign arrivals from December 28 to the end of January, after it was confirmed that people from Great Britain were infected with the mutated strain of the Corona virus .

In India, people infected with the new Corona virus were detected among those returning from Great Britain, but it was not confirmed whether they carried the new strain of infection.

Meanwhile, confirmed infections of the mutated strain were recorded in Spain on Saturday (four cases), following the announcement on Friday of lesions in France, Germany and Lebanon.

On Friday, France announced the registration of the strain infection with a citizen residing in Great Britain, who had entered France a few days ago.

In Denmark, Sweden’s neighboring country, health authorities announced earlier this week that a total of 33 cases of this emerging corona virus strain had been recorded.

The Danish Institute in charge of controlling infectious diseases said that “the new statistics indicate the spread of the infection in Denmark with the English boom”, noting that it is “at a low level”.

And the Danish authorities confirm that they have a greater potential to sequence the virus genome than most other countries, and therefore have a greater chance of identifying infections.
