The mushrooms lured him to shame near his home … and nearly killed his life!


The mushrooms lured him to shame near his home ... and nearly killed his life!

The Army Command posted the following on its website:

It didn’t occur to him that his extensive knowledge of mushrooms might not be enough to save his life. He fell into a trap and the mushrooms lured him to shame near his home, he collected a quantity of them and believed they were edible based on his long experience. But the ban happened. The hours of his night did not pass as usual, they became long and painful, and over time the pain began to intensify. One mushroom pill was enough to introduce poison into his body, his health began to deteriorate and he almost lost his life.

There is no medicine to treat mushroom poisoning, since its toxic effect begins with a slight sensitivity that soon affects the whole body, then creates imbalances in the work of your organs, starting with painful stomach pain, severe diarrhea, onset of blood stains in the urine and continuous vomiting after 12 hours, before Due to the deadly poison, it sometimes leads to fainting and death.

Selim spent 11 days in the hospital, four of them in intensive care, during which he tried the “olive squeeze”: liver complications, kidney failure, weak heart muscle function, as well as feeling dizzy, losing balance and extreme fatigue The treatment period lasted several weeks before his recovery, although he still undergoes regular check-ups. “He would have lost his life if he hadn’t fixed the problem quickly,” says Salim, wishing that no one suffered what he suffered.

Salim was not a unique case, since with the beginning of the mushroom season, many citizens fell victim to the poisonous mushrooms they collected from the forests, and more than one person died from poisoning, which called on the Ministry of Health to warn to the citizens. against collecting and eating mushrooms.

Toxic … non-toxic

Jennifer Tomazo, a licensed food safety and quality nutritionist, explains that there are thousands of types of poisonous mushrooms, and there is no theory for what is toxic from non-toxic except through chemical analysis, so trust alone in the form it is not. enough to know.
Therefore, we recommend not collecting mushrooms except by specialists in the field, and being satisfied with the items that are sold in stores.
He added that many people look forward to mushroom season in the fall and winter seasons, because it can be used in many recipes raw and cooked, and it can be bought from the market whether it is fresh, canned, frozen or even dried. It is preferable to store it in a cool and dry environment.

Mushrooms are a nutritional wealth

The specialist Tommazo explains that there are about 140,000 species of fungi in the world, of which only 10% are known, and research and studies have been carried out in only about 100 species. The human consumable species is that of the Agaricus family, and is a rich source of many nutrients necessary for humans. One of the best sources is vitamin D, which also contains selenium, potassium, copper, and vitamins B3, B2, and B5.
He adds: It is low in sodium, free of fat, cholesterol and gluten, low in calories and rich in dietary fiber and antioxidants, in addition to helping to strengthen immunity and resist the growth of cancer cells.

The risks of mushroom poisoning.

What are the risks of eating poisonous mushrooms and what are the symptoms that appear to those who eat them? Dr. Shadia Baini, head of the nephrology department at Bell Fu Center and Hospital, confirms that the dangers of toxic fungi are many and can threaten the body’s basic organs and can lead to death. It is related to the quality of the toxin in the mushrooms on the one hand, and the amount that the person ingested on the other hand.

With regard to symptoms, there are two categories: During the first hours of ingesting a poisonous mushroom, the patient experiences abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and possibly hallucinations and what is known as an “epileptic seizure” in the event of an injury. of the nervous system. This is aggravated by tachycardia and shortness of breath. There are types of fungi that slow down the body’s functions (for example, the heartbeat slows down) and affect the respiratory system. The second category of symptoms appears after 6 hours of intoxication and can be very dangerous, which includes: failure in the functioning of the kidneys and liver, malfunction of the heart, as well as damage to the nervous system, leading to the loss of concentration and even loss of consciousness. The matter does not stop at this point, as poisoning can lead to what is known as muscle degeneration, in this case the minerals in the muscles are excreted again, and this affects the functions of various organs, including the kidneys, and leads to an “embargo”.

Complications and symptoms

Dr. Baini explains that serious complications can appear quickly, or after two days or even several days, and indicates the link between the affected organ and the symptoms resulting from the injury. Damage to the kidneys leads to urine retention, high mineral content, vomiting, nausea, bloating, and high blood pressure. Damage to the liver causes yellowing of the skin, nausea, vomiting and water retention … If the nervous system is damaged, we face symptoms such as “numbness” of the extremities, hallucinations, coma … As for the damage to the heart, leading to your tachycardia and possibly a heart attack. Damage to the respiratory system can also cause problems with the functioning of the lungs. Therefore, when someone sits eating mushrooms, with any of the symptoms mentioned above, they should see a doctor immediately.

Treatment may not work!

And the treatment? Dr. Baini indicates that treatment can take days or weeks, but does not always lead to a full recovery. For example, kidney failure can accompany some patients throughout their lives, as well as liver failure, and there are those who need a kidney or liver transplant, and there are those who lose their lives due to mushroom poisoning.

Treatment focuses on three main points. First, the doctor questions the patient to confirm that he consumed the mushrooms and asks for a sample. Second, every organ in the body is examined. Third, the focus is on the life of the patient, and the appropriate treatment is given according to the complications suffered, the type of fungus consumed and therefore the type of toxins that entered his body. For example, if you suffer from high potassium levels, we often resort to dialysis.

And what should be noted is that there is no specific treatment, it depends on the type of poison in the type of fungus that the person consumed. Therefore, when we begin to treat the complications of poisoning, specialists are in charge of determining the quality of the poison through laboratory tests.

The most important thing is that before a diagnosis of fungal poisoning, the treatment must be carried out by an integrated team that includes specialists in liver, heart, kidneys, head, care and toxicology, and these work together to make the treatment effective and complete.

In the end, the nutrient richness of mushrooms should not lead us to collect and consume them because the consequences are severe, and the distinction between the good and the poisonous remains impossible. Therefore, the only way to benefit from mushrooms is to buy them fresh, canned, or dried.
