The municipality of Choueifat announces: preventive measures for the contacts of an injured man and the closure of his son’s store!


The City of Choueifat media office, in a statement, stated that “within the framework of the plan developed by Crisis Cell to deal with the Corona virus, and after reporting that a person was infected with the virus, a resident of Aramoun, her son occupies a commercial store in Doha, Choueifat, near the Al-Azhar Mosque, and to ensure that the virus outbreak did not, specialized teams went to the town and preventive measures were taken for people in contact with those infected , who are employees of the store, asking them to adhere to home quarantine, in preparation for their PCR exams. The store was also closed after sterilization and sterilization of its environment. The victim has a stone and commitment within from your home. Pray with the municipality to carry out the necessary tests. “

In the statement of its media office, the municipality confirmed that the crisis cell “is in full preparation and permanent monitoring of all health developments, and that it will continue to monitor the health of city residents and their children, and currently it is following arrivals at its travel range, and detainees are detained according to the principles of the stone. “

He warned of the “seriousness of the stage in light of the emergence of new numbers of injuries across the country, especially among expatriates,” and hoped that “all adhere to precautions and preventive measures for the next stage to avoid any risk, until the end of the state of general mobilization in Lebanon. “

He concluded by underlining: “The need to refer to competent and reliable references in the circulation of news, given the precision of the current situation, and avoid causing anxiety and panic among citizens.”

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