The movement decides its position on the government … Hariri Lee Falanges


The Free Patriotic Movement announced its adherence to the French initiative and an important government whose president and ministers would be specialists.

The Political Council of the Free Patriotic Movement affirmed its adherence to the French initiative and the formation of an important government whose president and ministers would be highly specialized and would be a productive and effective reform with its president, ministers and program, provided it had the support of the parliamentary blocs.

The council unanimously agreed during its periodic meeting headed electronically by the head of the movement, Deputy Gebran Bassil, on “not appointing Prime Minister Saad Hariri to head the government, considering him not a specialist, while affirming respect to his person and his representative and political position “.

The Political Council refused to “ridicule the disagreement on this point by presenting it as a personal dispute that can be resolved by a meeting or a phone call. With the Movement of the Future and its president, as a result of political fabrications and media marketing, it has become marketing.

The council stated that the president’s decision to postpone the consultations is his own business, “but in any case it will not change the position of the movement, and at the same time the Free Patriotic Movement confirms its adherence to continuous dialogue with the Future Movement and will work to develop it in the implementation of the reform program as agreed in the The future delegation visited the main headquarters of the movement a few days ago.

The Political Council noted, according to the statement, “the continuous and desperate political and media attempts to create a political separation between the Free Patriotic Movement and Hezbollah, which have not stopped since the understanding between them was concluded 14 years ago, an understanding whose national dimensions cannot be transcended. As for the issues in which the two sides differ, they have become. It is well known, and despite the movement’s regret for not addressing it, that it misses opportunities for Lebanon to attack corruption and The loss of momentum to build the state, this does not cancel the constant that Mar Mikhael’s understanding protected Lebanon and its unity from Israeli attacks and terrorism and will continue to be a major factor in Lebanon’s strength.

Source: Central News Agency
