The mother died for her son to live … the doctor “Al-Batal” recounts the details of the “incident”


For the past few hours, Arab social networking sites, especially Lebanese ones, had no conversation except for a photo of the two-year-old, Judy, who survived a terrible car accident in which her parents died. A Red Cross paramedic hugs her.

The “Yaza” Association published the photo, with a comment that said: “An image that brings tears to the eyes … the Red Cross paramedic hugs the girl who lost her family in a tragic traffic accident on Saturday at night. Yaza wants good people to help this girl and calls on the community to tackle the causes of death on the roads. ” “.

After the dissemination of the image, contacted the paramedic, Al-Batal, as he was called on social networks, whose name was Ziad Bakkar, to find out the details of what happened. Hadith of the country “.

The doctor reported that on Saturday night, the Red Cross teams received an urgent call to go to the Al-Assad highway on the airport road, specifically near the Arab city, so the forces rushed there and found a car with 3 seriously damaged people inside, they were father, mother and a child, and the accident was very strong.

He added that the mother “Noha al-Najjar” protected her daughter, “Judy” in the back seat of the car with her body, and she died from the injury, while the father, “Hassan Al-Maas, a black man” was in the front seat and also died. She was slightly injured.

The paramedic continued that he tried to calm the girl and made her stop crying, pointing out that she was in good condition, as the tests performed on her at the hospital showed her improvement in health.

In the context also, the secretary general of the Red Cross, George Kittana, explained that the girl Judy is now with her relatives.

Kettaneh emphasized that the Red Cross does not publish any images related to its missions.

Notably, the photo of the two-year-old with the Red Cross paramedic spread like wildfire on Saturday night.
