The Ministry of Health: for not spreading false news because it weakens the capacity for confrontation


The Ministry of Public Health confirmed that “the information transmitted by various social networking sites in a media article lacks precision, in addition to containing fabrications far from reality”, explaining that “the book that I sent to the army leadership comes in the context of the correspondence For various security agencies with the objective of implementing the laws of general and emergency mobilization to confront Corona, and in compliance with the decision issued by the meeting of the Ministerial Committee for the monitoring of the epidemic to circulate the mandatory preparation of private hospitals to increase their preparation and allocate devices and beds for Corona patients Is health security at a critical, delicate and dangerous stage?

And he considered in a statement that, “With regard to plasma treatment, it is a hospital technique adopted by some hospitals based on the recommendations of the scientific committee of the Ministry of Public Health in accordance with international medical references, and the Ministry of Health Public has nothing to do with this medical procedure, which is performed with a free donation from patients who have recovered from Corona. ” And in the hospitals that collect their corresponding fees. For the author’s knowledge, plasma is not a drug that is sold in pharmacies. “

Regarding the drug remdesivir, he stated that “the donation received by the Ministry was distributed fairly to patients whose health conditions require this treatment in accordance with the documented regulations that are kept in the Ministry’s records, and the beneficiaries are shown in names with absolute transparency “.

The ministry reminded him of the hotline “01832700 to receive complaints, confirming his willingness to do whatever is necessary in case transgressions are proven; regarding malicious propaganda, it only contributes to questioning the necessary instructions issued by the health authorities In this context, the ministry is surprised by the aforementioned that it doubled the number of injured to promote the general closure, although the injuries are documented with the names of accredited laboratories, the precision and precariousness of the health situation without precedents in Lebanon should constitute a national incentive for the efforts of all parties, especially the media, to mobilize social energies to confront the growing risks of the epidemic and not spread an atmosphere. And fake news that destabilizes confidence and weakens the capacity for confrontation ”.
