The Ministry of Health does not oppose the private importation of the vaccine … on condition


Public Health Minister Hamad Hassan issued a decision on the issuance of an official vaccination document for those inoculated outside the national plan, those who received the first dose outside of Lebanon and brought the second dose of the vaccine under favorable conditions, or who received the vaccines through special initiatives.

The decision stipulates “the need for these people to undergo an IgG immunization test two weeks after completing the second dose of the vaccine and to obtain an official document from an accredited laboratory on Lebanese soil or abroad, confirming the results of this test. They must also submit a medical report on a standardized medical prescription, signed and stamped by a registered doctor in one of the two medical unions in Lebanon.

Based on these documents, the Department of Preventive Medicine of the Ministry of Public Health issues an official document that certifies the validity of the interested party’s vaccination.

On the other hand, the Ministry of Public Health warns that it is not opposed to the private importation of the vaccine under adequate conditions that guarantee its quality, with the need to coordinate with the Ministry to monitor and document.

Dear visitor, I have read the latest news from Lebanon: “Health” does not oppose the special importation of the vaccine … with the condition on the website Hadramout Net | Yemen News The news was published from the Lebanon Window website, and they are responsible for whether the news is correct or not. You can view the original news source at the following link, Lebanon Window

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