The Ministry of Health assures the journalist


The Ministry of Public Health, in the person of the Minister of Health of the interim government, Hamad Hassan, filed a complaint with the Case Authority of the Ministry of Justice, which included a request to prosecute Hanadi Issa for the crime of defamation, dissemination of false information and causing panic and confusion in the public opinion, together with a request for compensation for damages.

The complaint was attached to a file related to a false tweet that Issa published on his Twitter account, in which he confirmed that “the death figures announced in Lebanon by the Crown are not true”, referring to a case that happened to her related to the death of her uncle from cancer and the hospital’s refusal to hand over the body until the parents signed a document stating that the patient dies from Corona and receives an amount of ten million pounds Lebanese.

Based on this tweet, various websites, including the “Here Líbano” group, adopted and published the tweet, as well as groups via WhatsApp.

The prosecution’s request stated that the Director of Health Care of the Ministry of Public Health, Dr. Joseph Al-Helou, and the Advisor for Media Affairs of the Minister of Health, Mr. Reda Al-Mousawi, inquired about the matter. Regarding the payment of money to the relatives of the deceased in Corona, it is information transmitted by several people, which indicates a lack of credibility and misleading public opinion.

Based on the foregoing, the Ministry of Public Health is prohibited from exploiting civil society that suffers what suffers from it, and preventing the exploitation of media platforms to deceive public opinion and try to gain false fame, and ensure media free and honest that transmit truthful news, and avoid targeting the medical staff and generating a state of fear and suspicion. I have public opinion.

And based on the text of Article 18 of Legislative Decree No. 1983/151, which granted the Case Authority of the Ministry of Justice the right to initiate cases on behalf of the Lebanese state and defend it in the cases charged to it, the The Ministry asks the Commission to be kind enough to review the file and its annexes and file the necessary cases on the publisher of the false tweet, with a request for compensation for damages.
