The Minister of Health: Follow-up coverage of treatments for those injured in the Beirut explosion


The Minister of Public Health in the interim government, Hamad Hassan, issued a circular requesting the hospitals that received and treated all those injured in the Beirut port explosion to organize book schedules to be received by the minister, including the names of the emergency wounded, the telephone number of the injured person, the medical procedure and the cost, in order to present them to the Hospital Invoice Audit Committee so that they can be presented for follow-up and scrutiny of the same, and issuance of hospitalization cards of the injured admitted to the hospital, and include them in the monthly schedules presented to the audit committee.

In the circular, Hassan asked to enclose the tables with a copy of the injured person’s identity signed by the attending physician and the observing physician. In the event that it is not possible to obtain a copy of the identity card, the ERROR SHEET file will be combined with the telephone number of the injured person signed by the treating physician and the observing physician.

The circular confirms that the Ministry of Public Health is covered by the treatment books for the injured, who must be followed up after a period of time as a result of their injury in the explosion, and whose condition requires successive medical procedures or laboratory and radiological examinations.

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