The Minister of Education sets the conditions for the start of the school year, starting next Monday


The Minister of Education of the interim government, Dr. Tariq Al-Majzoub, issued Decision No. 463 / M / 2020 on the initiation of teaching in public and private schools and secondary schools and its organization in official schools and secondary schools for the academic year 2021/2020.

And says:

After collecting the opinion of each of the secondary and primary education directorates, the Department of Special Education, Guidance and Orientation, and the Unit for Administration and Monitoring of Integrated Education Programs,

Based on the recommendations of the Coronavirus Preventive Measures Follow-up Committee at its meeting held on 10/07/2020, especially the recommendation to begin teaching through partial and progressive comprehensive education as of 12/10/2020,

At the proposal of the Director General of Education, the following is decided:

Article 1: Teaching begins in public and private schools and secondary schools and schools operating part-time for non-Lebanese students for the academic year 2020 / 2021-2021, through partial and progressive integrated education.

Article Two: In private schools and high schools, a blended scenario is adopted, which takes into account the specificity of each educational institution, respecting the principles of the health guide issued by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education. It is also exceptionally approved in public schools and high schools to divide people into two groups in the first semester of the academic year 2021/2020, Pending the return to normal health conditions, each one includes 50% of the total of students in the class, with no more than 18 students in a group, so as to guarantee the necessary social distancing, provided that the first group attends every day of the week and then the second group the following week. The first group is distance education, while the second group is in school and vice versa, and the secondary school administration takes care of the distribution of students to the two groups adopting the alphabetical order of the student’s family, taking into account the situation of students who come by means of transport.

Article Three: In cases where the total number of students per class is less than 18, the class remains as a group if the classroom area takes into account social distancing, and face-to-face teaching is adopted in the first week, and in the following week distance learning, and the secondary school principal should It is intended to organize the teaching program and distribute the rotation among class groups, in a way that helps to ensure the number of teaching sessions for owners and contractors, and coordinate with the subject coordinators, professors and teachers to ensure a balance in the realization of the teaching program between the two groups. Weekly.

The school / high school principal shall attempt to compensate for the difference in the percentage of completion of the required curricula as a result of cases of forced closures, school vacations, and official holidays by rescheduling the teaching weeks in the presence of the two groups to ensure the equilibrium.

Article 4: The director of the secondary school / school organizes a list of the names of the students and the telephone numbers of their parents and specifies their place of residence in detail, and in the event that the Ministry of the Interior and Municipalities issues Decisions related to the closure of cities, towns or neighborhoods with a high-level daily injury rate, schools and secondary schools within their scope are closed For the entire period specified in the decision of the Minister of the Interior and Municipalities.

The principal, health counselor, and principals shall inform the parents of students within the concerned neighborhood not to send their children to school, as long as these students are linked to the group being taught remotely during the period closing, and will be compensated later by interested teachers.

It is prohibited for students, members of the administrative and educational bodies and workers, who reside in the scope of the localities, villages or neighborhoods covered by the closure decision issued by the Minister of the Interior and Municipalities.

Transfer to their work centers outside the area of ​​their residence during the entire closing period, and it is up to the colleges and secondary schools to verify this with the available means, provided that the competent authorities are notified.

In this way, in accordance with administrative principles, and taking measures that lead to the continuation of work in school / secondary.

Fifth Article: This decision is communicated to whoever is required.
