The Minister of Education breathes space for fear of protesting The phalanxes


Faten Al-Hajj wrote in the Al-Akhbar newspaper:

Yesterday, Education Minister Tariq Al-Majzoub did not reassure representatives of the parent committees against threats from the owners of private schools, by establishing controls to amend school budgets and achieve serious cuts in enrollment, and did not inform them on new decisions regarding the end of the academic year and the official exams. The sporadic “marathon” sessions that the Minister called for representatives of families, schools and teachers were like “art for art”! It did not lead to any decision, and went no further than the “consultation” and repeated the same words to the effect that any end of the academic year will be linked to reports from the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization. He also repeated his tweet to his audience via “Twitter,” in which he said, “In light of the accelerated developments, we should not all waste the compass, as our children are currently home. And in the coming days, In light of the health reports, we will publish what reassures everyone. Your children are my children.

Why then call the meeting? Sources from the parents’ committee federations included him in the “ventilation” box to block the way against any street protests, especially since the parents and guardians union was preparing for a press conference and a protest in front of the Ministry building, and after the issuance of calls to movements organized by students and families with the support of the October 17 uprising. Although the minister seemed lazy, as if things had returned to the zero point between returning and returning to classes in light of the large number of people with Corona, in contrast to the previous insistence on returning. However, it did not allay parents’ concerns regarding the intervention to compel schools to reduce tuition fees and prevent them from threatening children with expulsion or withholding statements from the school, and forced them to register all the students. In addition, the minister described the threat conversation as “individual cases”. As the federation tends to scale “in opposition to procrastination and procrastination,” he warned that the decision of the Minister of Education to prepare annexes to the budgets is “formal and worthless, resulting in a reduction of 5% or 10%. in terms of sensitizing the state of the family to nothing more than “. While Al-Akhbar learned that some private school administrations who were eager to return were disappointed after communicating with parents about the insistence on not paying fees and not sending children to schools.

On the other hand, the sources of the Federation of Foundations indicated that the meeting with the Federation did not return. Upon returning to teaching, the Secretary General of the Catholic Schools, Boutros Azar, in an interview with the Central News Agency, said: “The safety of students is a priority, and we await the practical guidance of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization “. While noting that the “abolition of Al-Breviyya was” expected, “he noted” the regulations necessary to organize the elevation of students to a higher class, and therefore, the abolition must be accompanied by legal and legislative measures to preserve the right of students to facilitate their future entry into the public office. “

On the other hand, the head of the teachers ‘union in private schools seemed reassured to prioritize teachers’ salaries in spending, noting that “the question of budgets and fees will be followed through a central committee in the Ministry of Education formed by representatives of the three parties and the ministry to consider all the complaints received regarding the appendices Budgets On the subject of the return, he explained that “it is not possible to announce the end of the school year from now on, so that rights will be forfeited, while student safety will be a priority, “and recalled what he said earlier that” schools are the last sector to return to work. “

Faten Al-Hajj

Source: News
