The Maronite Patriarch helps heads of government support the powers of the President-designate


Beirut – “Al-Quds Al-Arabi”: Stalemate still prevails on the issue of the government file, with fear of the collapse of the French initiative and of losing the opportunity to form an independent “important government” of specialists to save the deteriorated economic and financial situation of a complete fall into the abyss.

What is striking are the continued attacks on former heads of government, especially Prime Minister Saad Hariri, and holding him accountable for the failure in government formation and the stalemate that caused President-designate Mustafa Adeeb to find himself somewhere between apologizing. for continuing with your mission and waiting a few more days. This delay was expressed by a statement from the heads of government in response to the French initiative, with an emphasis on not renouncing the criteria established for composition, since the heads of government asked the designated president to “adhere to their full powers. in terms of forming a government as soon as possible in consultation with the President of the Republic and under the roof of the rules stipulated in the constitution. “

So far, no indications have emerged that the money bag that the Shiite duo insists will dissolve despite many proposals aimed at reaching a solution, including that President Adeeb keep the money bag for himself and the appointment of a minister of state for financial affairs of the Shiite community to have certain powers to exercise his responsibilities, or to assume a president The Republic is appointing an independent Christian or Shiite to this portfolio, and one of them He agrees that the bilateral, or that President Nabih Berri appoint a Christian or Sunni figure for it, or that he assign other sovereign portfolios to the Shiite duo, such as foreign affairs or defense.

The Shiite duo had continued their campaign against Prime Minister Hariri, accusing him of exercising hegemony over the actions of other sects and inciting President Michel Aoun and the president of the Free Patriotic Movement, Gebran Bassil, to reject the president in charge of appointing Christian ministers. Hariri was also accused of speaking about the debate that was not mentioned in the content of the French initiative. It was not raised at the Pine Palace.

Meanwhile, the Maronite Patriarch, Cardinal Mar Beshara Boutros Al-Rai, stepped into the line, expressing his surprise at the obstruction of government formation, and asked Patriarch Al-Rahi: “ In what capacity does a sect demand certain ministry as its own, and obstructs the formation of the government, until it achieves its objective, and thus causes political paralysis and harm? Economic, financial and life? Where has the triangular agreement of political forces for reform become: a miniature salvation government, independent specialists with political experience, rotating portfolios?

On the anniversary of the “martyrs of the Lebanese resistance” at Our Lady of Illeg, the sponsor said: “If we go back to article 95 of the constitution as amended by the Taif Agreement, we read explicitly in paragraph B:” The functions of the first category – and among them the ministries – will be equal between Christians and Muslims without assigning either of them to either A sect that adheres to the principles of competition and competence Was this article modified in sight or imposed by force or bullying? This is unacceptable in our diverse Lebanese democratic system. So, what constitutional science allows the monopoly of a ministerial portfolio? We reject privatization and monopoly, a constitutional, non-sectarian rejection, and our rejection is not directed at a specific sect, but at a heresy that contradicts the concept of equality between ministries and between sects, and undermines the national alliance in its documentary dimension. and unitary with the objective of establishing the dominance of a sovereign group over a lost state.

And he added: “The political officials who follow the path of this new culture and the original concept of power are those who build countries and perpetuate their names in their history. As for the money that the “political merchants” accumulate at the expense of the people, it is buried with them, and they are with him. And what you were accused of, O Prime Minister-designate, we invite you to abide by the constitution and go ahead with the formation of a government that the people and the world expect. It is not necessary, nor to submit to conditions, nor to delay, nor to apologize. Taking responsibility in a fateful circumstance is the courageous patriotic position. Those who supported you did it to form a government, not to apologize. Despite all the flaws, the Lebanese system remains a parliamentary democracy, and includes mechanisms of allocation, training and granting or not of trust. Get acquainted and let the parliamentary game run its course. And you are not alone. “

Al-Rahi rejected any regime change in light of the dominance of weapons, saying: “As for us, we are not ready to rethink our existence and our system every time we form a government. We are not prepared to accept concessions at the expense of Lebanese privacy, the Charter and democracy. We are not willing to discuss modifying the system before all components enter the confines of legitimacy and abandon their own projects. There is no change of state in light of states or “republics”, in the words of His Excellency the President of the Republic. What is the benefit of changing the system in light of the prevalence of illegal and obsolete weapons, whether carried by Lebanese or non-Lebanese? The revision of the Lebanese system and the distribution of powers and roles takes place – if necessary – after establishing the neutrality of Lebanon in its three dimensions: neutralizing it from alliances, disputes and regional and international wars; Allow the State to exercise its sovereignty over all its territory with its armed forces only, defend itself from any external aggression and exercise its foreign policy; With Lebanon returning to its special role and mission at the heart of the Arab family, in terms of the rights of the peoples, chief of which is the rights of the Palestinian people and the return of refugees and displaced persons to their countries of origin. origin, and in terms of rapprochement, convergence, dialogue and stability.

The Patriarch dismissed the persecution of academic Ali, the secretary, who opposes Hezbollah, saying: “In light of what distinguishes Lebanon in its culturally and religiously pluralistic way, and endorsing” the freedom to express an opinion in oral and written form, and the freedom to print and write ”according to Article 13 of the constitution, we can only express our regret for seeing a known cleric With his patriotism, his desire for coexistence, his respect for each religion and sect, and its devotion to Lebanon, is subpoenaed in court for mere notification of a known source and purpose. With this simplicity, the Judiciary has moved in our country against the principle of showing “smoke for an existing case”, while neglecting the rest of the basic questions. Where did the files of the great corruption and the greatest waste become? Where did the research on food and medicine go? Where are the investigations into the smuggling of millions and billions of money? And where were the investigations into the bombing of the port after fifty-six days?

Kablan: don’t play with balances

For his part, he highlighted The excellent Mufti of Jaafari, Sheikh Ahmed Qablan, said: “The government does not belong to one person and the country is not the monopoly of anyone, and the political system is definitely failing, and development is definitely necessary, and the time of the Twenty is over, and what we demand is due to its sectarian formulation. Also, we will not accept the abolition of a sect with its mother and father, of American origin and French carrot.

He addressed his speech to the president-designate, saying: “The country and the region are coal under the ashes, and that is why they do not play with balances.”
